Originally Posted by Brian Wright
Originally Posted by Tanist

Originally Posted by Kurochi

Another is an unexplained item that you were conditioned to pick up (Always pickup loot, at no point does the game say "this loot is poisoned or will kill you or analyze loot skill) that will eventually lead to your annoyance or death.

Was a surprise wasn't it? Nice when games have surprises I think, good or bad. /shrug

Sure, but it would be nice to have a loremaster/perception check to warn you that picking it up would do bad things. Most games I can remember would warn you about cursed items if you had the ability to ID them.

I agree to an extent, but this could have very well been an item that is undetectable by such skills. I am sure you remember various modules in AD&D where a given item was an "exception" to the skill system and required special checks only available to the module or a given situation (ie a charm check to get the person to tell you).

Don't get me wrong, I would love to see layered skill applications as you mention, but there are sometimes where the GM takes liberty in the story in order to preserve the surprise.

My pen and paper games where comprised of engineers, physicists, chemists, etc... if the GM were entirely confined to the rules of the book specifically, the games would have ended up quite boring.