Originally Posted by Shaki
Ok, I have one thing that really annoys me. From what I remember, It was said multiple times, that you can "kill everyone you want" in D:OS.

So try to kill most annyoing character in game - damn Zixzax. He is lvl 24 (or 26, dont remember), but I'm ok with this. He has more AP than my whole party combined, but I'm ok with this. He is Very Important Char, so he should be strong.

But when after really long and tough fight, you'll finaly succeed and kill him... He will just respawn. Yup. He is immortal. He'll just have additional dialogue line, something like:

Player: Didn't I killed you already?
Immortal Imp badass half-god: I am master of space and time, you can't kill me, Muahahahahaha.

Why I'm even playing this game, when this damn immortal imp could go and kill all of the bad guys himself? Coz, you know, he is immortal? And they can't kill him? So he could annihilate them all, without problems? But instead this half-god send bunch of weak humans to save the world. Is he just lazy, or wtf? Any explanations? Because it looks kinda retarded.

And, of course, you also can't kill stupid weaver of time. You can't even hit her.

Yeah, "you can kill everyone" - except for every really important characters. But hey, you can still murder bunch of useless guards and peasants! Isn't it nice?

Thank god, we can at least kill Icara. She was annyoing too.

Ok. Enough whining. Time to go back and murder some Immaculates to vent my anger.

I want the Skyrim audience to leave.