Hi there! First off, I wanted to say thanks for the mod. It's very useful since I like to change my builds around a lot.

I've also run into the "give a skill book to another party member and it gets used" issue. I bought a Boulder Bash book from Arhu and it is used after trading it.

I keep a bag in my inventory just to organize my skill books, so I pulled those out and none of them got used either. So I don't know what exactly triggers these skill books that aren't affected by the mod. I even bought a different Boulder Bash book from him, and that one got used too. But the poison dart book I bought worked fine.

It's not a huge deal, I'm just curious about what causes this issue. What makes these skill books "special?"


Just found another Boulder Bash skill book in a chest, it also disappeared when I used it.

Last edited by frozenwings; 12/07/14 05:45 AM.