I'm LOVING this game so far...


One thing that's driving me crazy (and perhaps this is a throwback to Balder's Gate and the CRPG's of old) is that I have to click on a character's portrait to select and move them individually.

I prefer to control my characters individually rather than have them chained together in formation (Not so much in safe-areas like towns, but in dangerous areas it's vital), but doing so becomes a real chore when I have to constantly move back and forth from the portraits to the characters on screen.

I can hover my mouse over a character and get their info, and I can't begin to tell you how great it would be at that point to just be able to left-click and have that character selected so that I can move/position them so much more intuitively.

If you guys could patch the game to make this so, I'd be immensely grateful! And if there's a way to do this already and I've just missed it, could someone let me know?


Last edited by AdrianM; 12/07/14 04:59 AM.