Joined: Jun 2014
Fantastic! Way to go Larian!
Joined: Apr 2013
Last edited by LordCrash; 11/07/14 04:34 PM.
Joined: Jul 2009
Epic as always  You must watch their other reviewsicals. Gamestar, German - 87/100 http://www.gamestar.de/spiele/divinity-original-sin/test/divinity_original_sin,48271,3057808.html
Joined: Apr 2013
Joined: Jul 2009
Gamestar, German - 87/100 http://www.gamestar.de/spiele/divinity-original-sin/test/divinity_original_sin,48271,3057808.html
Offtopic: War ja klar, dass die bei Gamestar keine 90 springen lassen. Das bekommen dort eh meist nur Shooter fuer Grenzdebile oder eben Fanboyspiele (DA: Inquisition bekommt bestimmt ne 90). Traurig, traurig... 4Players ist besser ... + vielschichtige Figuren zwingen zu moralischen Entscheidungen - Figuren und Geschichte bedienen sich bei vielen Fantasyklischees Vielschichtige Klischees? http://www.4players.de/4players.php...M/31117/79977/Divinity_Original_Sin.html
Joined: Apr 2013
Gamestar, German - 87/100 http://www.gamestar.de/spiele/divinity-original-sin/test/divinity_original_sin,48271,3057808.html
Offtopic: War ja klar, dass die bei Gamestar keine 90 springen lassen. Das bekommen dort eh meist nur Shooter fuer Grenzdebile oder eben Fanboyspiele (DA: Inquisition bekommt bestimmt ne 90). Traurig, traurig... 4Players ist besser ... + vielschichtige Figuren zwingen zu moralischen Entscheidungen - Figuren und Geschichte bedienen sich bei vielen Fantasyklischees Vielschichtige Klischees? http://www.4players.de/4players.php...M/31117/79977/Divinity_Original_Sin.html 4 Players ist eh eine richtige Kaeseseite. Ich bin ueberrascht, dass der Luibl das nicht getestet hat, dann haette er mal wieder einen Verriss schreiben koennen... Aber auch so ist die Wertung nahezu unverschaet (nicht mal ein "sehr gut" nach eigenem Wertungssystem), wenn man sich mal ansieht, was die Tulpen sonst so an Wertungen vergeben. Z.B. hat dort ein Fable 3 85% (="sehr gut") bekommen. Dazu sag ich jetzt mal lieber mal nichts mehr... 
Last edited by LordCrash; 12/07/14 12:23 AM.
Joined: Apr 2013
War ja klar, dass PC Games den Vogel abschiesst. Da wird doch tatsaehlich darueber gejammert, dass es zu wenig handholding und dass es keine Questmarker gibt. Ausserdem wird auch sonst jede Menge Unsinn geredet (z.B. dass Rogues/Rangers zu schwach sind, ahja). Oh je... http://www.pcgames.de/Divinity-Orig...hool-Rollenspiel-fuer-Geduldige-1128449/
Last edited by LordCrash; 12/07/14 12:36 AM.
Joined: May 2013
Fun but kind of weird
Meowmic Republic of Sin
Joined: Jul 2014
Been playing the game a week now, and just had to pop by to thank and congratulate Larian Studios on an excellent game, that at this point in time almost feels like a love letter to a dear departed genre, full of the good times with none of the bad. It's obvious your vision has touched a lot of people in almost atrophied places, such a Triple-A result from a KS success story. Well played over here, well played indeed. 
Joined: Apr 2013
Looks like another sloppy review to me. Again we only have pre-alpha screenshots from early 2013 almost in the whole review... Edit: Same is true for this review: What's up with reviewers these days???
Last edited by LordCrash; 12/07/14 01:59 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Another another "noob" review: http://gamingtrend.com/reviews/heaven-hell-divinity-original-sin-review/I can't take any review serious anymore in which the reviewer didn't even try the co-op mode. Even PC Gamer fell for this. Nobody would review a Call of Duty without trying and playing the MP mode intensively. But for D:OS some reviewers seem to be totally fine with not even mentioning the co-op mode although it's the PRIMARY game mode of this game...
Joined: Apr 2013
Another another "noob" review: http://gamingtrend.com/reviews/heaven-hell-divinity-original-sin-review/I can't take any review serious anymore in which the reviewer didn't even try the co-op mode. Even PC Gamer fell for this. Nobody would review a Call of Duty without trying and playing the MP mode intensively. But for D:OS some reviewers seem to be totally fine with not even mentioning the co-op mode although it's the PRIMARY game mode of this game... Co-op is the primary game mode? Gee, I guess I've been wasting all my time playing single-player, when I was supposed to play the multi-player. Shucks, thanks for letting me know that. Not everyone cares for multi-player, you know. Reviews based on single-player alone are perfectly valid, so long as they state that. After all, co-op is only as good as the person you're partnered with. Single-player is as good as Larian devised it to be, so it's a better example of the quality of the game.
Joined: Apr 2013
Another another "noob" review: http://gamingtrend.com/reviews/heaven-hell-divinity-original-sin-review/I can't take any review serious anymore in which the reviewer didn't even try the co-op mode. Even PC Gamer fell for this. Nobody would review a Call of Duty without trying and playing the MP mode intensively. But for D:OS some reviewers seem to be totally fine with not even mentioning the co-op mode although it's the PRIMARY game mode of this game... Co-op is the primary game mode? Gee, I guess I've been wasting all my time playing single-player, when I was supposed to play the multi-player. Shucks, thanks for letting me know that. Not everyone cares for multi-player, you know. Reviews based on single-player alone are perfectly valid, so long as they state that. After all, co-op is only as good as the person you're partnered with. Single-player is as good as Larian devised it to be, so it's a better example of the quality of the game. No, I disagree. That might be ok for a user review on Steam or Metacritic but not for a professional one. This game is made and designed as a co-op experience from the core. Not even trying the co-op mode is pathetic in a professional review (such as PC Gamer's). And none of these reviews particularly mark themselves as SP-reviews anyway. In D:OS co-op and SP are perhaps equally important (both are primary game modes, so not THE but A, sry) so there is no reason to only review one. Especially given the fact that some points of critique (like story or UI) are much less of an issue if you play in co-op because you notice that the whole game design with story and UI was developed with the co-op experience in mind. Without even mentioning the co-op or trying it out you cast and unjustified (and uniformed) shadow over the game... It's perfectly fine to play D:OS or CoD or whatever only in SP. Why not? I only play them in SP myself tbh. But that doesn't mean that a professional reviewer shouldn't cover basic game modes of a game they review. That's just SLOPPY and UNPROFESSIONAL. And that's not only my opinion, that's a fact.
Last edited by LordCrash; 12/07/14 03:44 PM.
Joined: Apr 2010
And still the top seller on Steam. Damn Larian, you're killin' it. :P
I wonder if the sales will allow them to grow the team. I'd like to see them make even more ambitious games in the future.
Joined: Apr 2013
And still the top seller on Steam. Damn Larian, you're killin' it. :P
I wonder if the sales will allow them to grow the team. I'd like to see them make even more ambitious games in the future. Well, I would like them to support DOS first, improving it further and making a lot new stuff for it (full expansion!). Growing in size isn't always the best. More people often means more responsibility and more mainstream development. I would rather like Larian staying small and focused instead of going the same route as Bioware or CDPR lately... 
Last edited by LordCrash; 12/07/14 05:35 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Cross posted from Steam: Hi folks! Wanted to drop and post that we are putting the review under...well....review, but it seems like you guys already posted that. There are a number of quality issues that we've run into with this review. Certainly we missed the price point, and apparently the 'press alt to see stuff and things' portion. I can assure you, however, that we aren't "lying" to make the game seem bad. I know a lot of the Larian guys personally, and I see them multiple times a year at trade shows. I wouldn't do that, and neither would Lucious. In point of fact, he's a pretty hardcore RPG'er, so I'm surprised if he missed things. It isn't an excuse, but we did write just about a million words at E3, so we are a little tired and behind - might have caused some issues here. The screenshots that were used were likely dredged from the internet. He should have snapped them himself. We'll fix that. They are also stretched. Again, we'll get that sorted. I'll ask for this - patience and understanding. Patience as we shore this up to the high quality of our other reviews (we do have nearly 2000 of them at this point), and understanding that Lucious, like all of us at GT, are volunteers. We do this because we LOVE videogames. These are our opinions, and sometimes we get it wrong. We'll make it right. As for our scoring system - Check out our Review Philosophy here: http://www.gamingtrend.com/our-review-system/We put a lot of thought into it to try to reverse the common trend of "anything less than 80 is a fail" that most sites use. Thanks to the folks who came here to provide constructive feedback.
Joined: Mar 2013
Cross posted from Steam: Hi folks! Wanted to drop and post that we are putting the review under...well....review, but it seems like you guys already posted that. There are a number of quality issues that we've run into with this review. Certainly we missed the price point, and apparently the 'press alt to see stuff and things' portion. I can assure you, however, that we aren't "lying" to make the game seem bad. I know a lot of the Larian guys personally, and I see them multiple times a year at trade shows. I wouldn't do that, and neither would Lucious. In point of fact, he's a pretty hardcore RPG'er, so I'm surprised if he missed things. It isn't an excuse, but we did write just about a million words at E3, so we are a little tired and behind - might have caused some issues here. The screenshots that were used were likely dredged from the internet. He should have snapped them himself. We'll fix that. They are also stretched. Again, we'll get that sorted. I'll ask for this - patience and understanding. Patience as we shore this up to the high quality of our other reviews (we do have nearly 2000 of them at this point), and understanding that Lucious, like all of us at GT, are volunteers. We do this because we LOVE videogames. These are our opinions, and sometimes we get it wrong. We'll make it right. As for our scoring system - Check out our Review Philosophy here: http://www.gamingtrend.com/our-review-system/We put a lot of thought into it to try to reverse the common trend of "anything less than 80 is a fail" that most sites use. Thanks to the folks who came here to provide constructive feedback. hmm... 75 = Good Not ground-breaking, but largely a positive experience. If that is what you guys think... AFTER the reviews we can easily mull over that you have made of past games? Well... You sir are completely full of shit. I mean, how any company could use your review for market analysis is beyond me. The player base is pushing 90's and hell, you could take the position of "well, user reviews tend to be slanted" which might be a good excuse to drop the score about 5-10 points over HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE, but you go and score it a 75? REALLY? Pathetic. Send your reviewer back to Burger King. I think "would you like fries with that" is better suited to his skills.
Last edited by Tanist; 12/07/14 11:01 PM.
Joined: Jun 2014
Cross posted from Steam: Hi folks! Wanted to drop and post that we are putting the review under...well....review, but it seems like you guys already posted that. There are a number of quality issues that we've run into with this review. Certainly we missed the price point, and apparently the 'press alt to see stuff and things' portion. I can assure you, however, that we aren't "lying" to make the game seem bad. I know a lot of the Larian guys personally, and I see them multiple times a year at trade shows. I wouldn't do that, and neither would Lucious. In point of fact, he's a pretty hardcore RPG'er, so I'm surprised if he missed things. It isn't an excuse, but we did write just about a million words at E3, so we are a little tired and behind - might have caused some issues here. The screenshots that were used were likely dredged from the internet. He should have snapped them himself. We'll fix that. They are also stretched. Again, we'll get that sorted. I'll ask for this - patience and understanding. Patience as we shore this up to the high quality of our other reviews (we do have nearly 2000 of them at this point), and understanding that Lucious, like all of us at GT, are volunteers. We do this because we LOVE videogames. These are our opinions, and sometimes we get it wrong. We'll make it right. As for our scoring system - Check out our Review Philosophy here: http://www.gamingtrend.com/our-review-system/We put a lot of thought into it to try to reverse the common trend of "anything less than 80 is a fail" that most sites use. Thanks to the folks who came here to provide constructive feedback. Don't forget to fix "Lorian" instead of Larian in the start, and please, get someone who doesn't want his hand held and someone who knows what a "journal" is, to review the game.
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian