Joined: Jul 2014
In game's like Baldur's Gate you had an option to camp anywhere to reset your spells and fill up your health, how come Divinity doesn't have that option? Is it because of the cooldown system? It would be useful to anyone who doesn't have a cleric or a wizard with healing spells. Sure, you could use potions, but potions are only useful early game and if you need just a little bit more health during a fight.
Joined: Jul 2013
I think you can use beds to regain HP
Joined: Jan 2014
In addition to using beds, you used to be able to sit on chairs/benches to restore health. However, the ability to use the latter was removed in late beta. I'm always noticing there are still benches and chairs strategically placed around the wilds though.
I'm not really sure why they did away with heals from sitting. Perhaps they felt it was too easy or convenient. I think it's a shame; a bed is always a rift-travel and short jog away, so it's not like it's difficult to heal. However, it sure does kill the immersion a lot more than simply sitting on a bench near the side of a road, or a chair at the ruins of a house while out on our adventure.
Joined: Jun 2014
Joined: Jul 2014
Or healing spells. Use those.
Joined: Jun 2014
Why don't they let you buy an effing BEDROLL. Pop it out of your backpack when you need some rest.
Joined: Apr 2013
Camp is completely unnecessary. You can just heal yourself easily with a level 1 healing spell. A camp/resting system makes only sense in a Vacinian spell system in which you can only cast a given number of spells until the next rest. D:OS is based on cooldowns. Your basic healing spell has cooldown of 10 seconds in real time mode (1 turn). No beds/camps/whatever needed.
Joined: Mar 2013
Camp is completely unnecessary. You can just heal yourself easily with a level 1 healing spell. A camp/resting system makes only sense in a Vacinian spell system in which you can only cast a given number of spells until the next rest. D:OS is based on cooldowns. Your basic healing spell has cooldown of 10 seconds in real time mode (1 turn). No beds/camps/whatever needed. Yep, pretty much. With all of the means to heal yourself in D:OS, it is a non-issue.
Joined: Jan 2014
Camp is completely unnecessary. You can just heal yourself easily with a level 1 healing spell. A camp/resting system makes only sense in a Vacinian spell system in which you can only cast a given number of spells until the next rest. D:OS is based on cooldowns. Your basic healing spell has cooldown of 10 seconds in real time mode (1 turn). No beds/camps/whatever needed. That implies everyone should have a spell (or some very specific spells) in a game that is supposed to allow for a little more freedom than that. And, yes, I'm aware there's a Warrior skillbook for healing, but that doesn't mean you should be required to take it. Obviously the developers felt resting was needed or they wouldn't have included it in the game. I'm not sure why they removed the functionality from chairs and restricted it only to beds. I do think it would be clever if a higher level of crafting allowed players to make bedrolls.
Joined: Apr 2013
Camp is completely unnecessary. You can just heal yourself easily with a level 1 healing spell. A camp/resting system makes only sense in a Vacinian spell system in which you can only cast a given number of spells until the next rest. D:OS is based on cooldowns. Your basic healing spell has cooldown of 10 seconds in real time mode (1 turn). No beds/camps/whatever needed. That implies everyone should have a spell (or some very specific spells) in a game that is supposed to allow for a little more freedom than that. And, yes, I'm aware there's a Warrior skillbook for healing, but that doesn't mean you should be required to take it. Obviously the developers felt resting was needed or they wouldn't have included it in the game. I'm not sure why they removed the functionality from chairs and restricted it only to beds. I do think it would be clever if a higher level of crafting allowed players to make bedrolls. Well, healing is a level 1 water spell. In a party of four someone would at some point put one ability point in water magic, don't you think? I mean healing was always an important mechanic in CRPGs and you should have a healer in a well balanced party anyway. If not you have to live with the consequences. If you pick up Jahan he already knows the healing spell at level 1. But you can also use potions. I have dozens of potions in my inventory which I never use. The devs put in beds, yes, but that doesn't mean they are needed. It's just another option to use...;)
Last edited by LordCrash; 12/07/14 04:39 PM.
Joined: Jan 2014
The devs put in beds, yes, but that doesn't mean they are needed. It's just another option to use...;) I think that's all people are suggesting.. another option (bedroll, chairs to be restored with the bed function, etc). Something those with more preferable methods of healing can freely ignore. I don't see the harm in it since a combination of rift-travel, character switching, and teleporter pyramids allows a combination of bed-resting and instant returns to prior locations pretty much anywhere. It just seems like a lot of unnecessary quirky hoops to go through when the same thing can be accomplished using a bedroll (and have it be a whole lot more immersing than playing musical chairs with your icons). I could understand not offering something like bedrolls if "resting for health" was actually prevented while adventuring, but it's not.
Joined: Apr 2013
The devs put in beds, yes, but that doesn't mean they are needed. It's just another option to use...;) I think that's all people are suggesting.. another option (bedroll, chairs to be restored with the bed function, etc). Something those with more preferable methods of healing can freely ignore. I don't see the harm in it since a combination of rift-travel, character switching, and teleporter pyramids allows a combination of bed-resting and instant returns to prior locations pretty much anywhere. It just seems like a lot of unnecessary quirky hoops to go through when the same thing can be accomplished using a bedroll (and have it be a whole lot more immersing than playing musical chairs with your icons). I could understand not offering something like bedrolls if "resting for health" was actually prevented while adventuring, but it's not. Well, tbh the initial post of the OP indicated that he hasn't even understand yet that the spell system is based on cooldowns. I have nothing against healing in beds in general... 
Joined: May 2014
Healing from benches and chairs in the wild would be great. Or simply an ability to rest or camp. It's TEDIOUS wasting a few minutes healing up characters after a battle casting the same spell over and over, waiting for it to cool down each time. NOT FUN. So please, Larian, a rest or camp option for us who are practical and like to spend our time on FUN things, and keep the TEDIOUS post-battle healing for those who enjoy TEDIUM. 
Joined: Jun 2014
Healing on the fly needs to be a bit of a pain in the ass to maintain the value of spells and abilities that heal... but endlessly guzzling down potions, food, and backtracking to the nearest bed is just too much.
Joined: Jan 2014
I don't know, aren't healing spells more valuable in-combat rather than out of combat where other objects (like the beds) already exist?
Joined: Mar 2013
Camp is completely unnecessary. You can just heal yourself easily with a level 1 healing spell. A camp/resting system makes only sense in a Vacinian spell system in which you can only cast a given number of spells until the next rest. D:OS is based on cooldowns. Your basic healing spell has cooldown of 10 seconds in real time mode (1 turn). No beds/camps/whatever needed. That implies everyone should have a spell (or some very specific spells) in a game that is supposed to allow for a little more freedom than that. And, yes, I'm aware there's a Warrior skillbook for healing, but that doesn't mean you should be required to take it. Obviously the developers felt resting was needed or they wouldn't have included it in the game. I'm not sure why they removed the functionality from chairs and restricted it only to beds. I do think it would be clever if a higher level of crafting allowed players to make bedrolls. Well, healing is a level 1 water spell. In a party of four someone would at some point put one ability point in water magic, don't you think? I mean healing was always an important mechanic in CRPGs and you should have a healer in a well balanced party anyway. If not you have to live with the consequences. If you pick up Jahan he already knows the healing spell at level 1. But you can also use potions. I have dozens of potions in my inventory which I never use. The devs put in beds, yes, but that doesn't mean they are needed. It's just another option to use...;) Yep, if you don't have healing spells, you have potions, you have beds you can use in various places, etc... Personally, I would have liked to see a lot more difficulty in this area. Healing shouldn't be so easy to come by. In fact, I think healing is easier in this game than it was in games like Baldur's gate. In Baldur's gate, hitting rest would often result in an ambush that if you were too low on health ended in the death of your party.
Joined: May 2014
I don't know, aren't healing spells more valuable in-combat rather than out of combat where other objects (like the beds) already exist? Exactly, out of combat - having to spend time healing up is ONLY tedium. It adds nothing to the experience except function as a time sink.
Joined: Jan 2014
Camp is completely unnecessary. You can just heal yourself easily with a level 1 healing spell. A camp/resting system makes only sense in a Vacinian spell system in which you can only cast a given number of spells until the next rest. D:OS is based on cooldowns. Your basic healing spell has cooldown of 10 seconds in real time mode (1 turn). No beds/camps/whatever needed. That implies everyone should have a spell (or some very specific spells) in a game that is supposed to allow for a little more freedom than that. And, yes, I'm aware there's a Warrior skillbook for healing, but that doesn't mean you should be required to take it. Obviously the developers felt resting was needed or they wouldn't have included it in the game. I'm not sure why they removed the functionality from chairs and restricted it only to beds. I do think it would be clever if a higher level of crafting allowed players to make bedrolls. Well, healing is a level 1 water spell. In a party of four someone would at some point put one ability point in water magic, don't you think? I mean healing was always an important mechanic in CRPGs and you should have a healer in a well balanced party anyway. If not you have to live with the consequences. If you pick up Jahan he already knows the healing spell at level 1. But you can also use potions. I have dozens of potions in my inventory which I never use. The devs put in beds, yes, but that doesn't mean they are needed. It's just another option to use...;) Yep, if you don't have healing spells, you have potions, you have beds you can use in various places, etc... Personally, I would have liked to see a lot more difficulty in this area. Healing shouldn't be so easy to come by. In fact, I think healing is easier in this game than it was in games like Baldur's gate. In Baldur's gate, hitting rest would often result in an ambush that if you were too low on health ended in the death of your party. Even if Divinity did allow for random encounters, save-scumming prevents random threats like that from being effective here. Interrupted sleep > reload and try again. However, the desire for a more dangerous rest system is all well and good, but the fact is it's already easy to heal up outside of combat. So, the request is to just reduce the tedium and to increase the immersion. Crafting or purchasing a reusable bedroll, laying it out in the environment, and resting on it is (to at least some of us) a more immersing (and far less tedious) experience than.. Step 1) Rift-travel with part of injured party to waypoint with nearest bed. Step 2) Use bed. Step 3) Use teleport pyramid to return to waiting party members back at original site. Step 4) Rift-travel with remaining injured party to waypoint with nearest bed. Step 5) Use bed. Step 6) Use teleport pyramid to return to waiting party members back at original site. I mean, if that's what we have to do, then that's what we have to do. It would just be nice if the process were a lot more cleaner and a lot less dependent on quick-travel gimmicks (for those not investing in potions, spells, or food). In other words, people are seeking a quality of life improvement that neither introduces an end-result that can't be achieved already nor forces itself on those who prefer alternate methods of healing. Pretty innocent request all around.
Joined: Jul 2014
Resting was much more than just refreshing your spells in BG. It was essential since you got tired and got cumulative mali for staying awake too long usually around 24 hours modified by constitution statistic.
Joined: Mar 2013
Last edited by Tanist; 13/07/14 01:44 PM.
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