Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Tanist

The problem you stated and the one I was commenting on was this:

Ignoring a problem doesn't solve it nor address it.
Beside, you are implicitly assuming this feature comes into play just with deliberate "save scumming", when there can be several instances where the reload is actually forced upon the player by unwanted circumstances (crash, unexpected death and so on).

Again, my point was concerning one of the supporting premises you used.

As for the other issue, that "problem" would be very specific and likely not to occur as such. That is, you would have to crash at the moment you opened the chest and saw what it contained (loot is randomed on opening the chest). That would be a very specific moment of a crash and to be honest I have never had that happen in my game. How often does it happen exactly at in that timing?

As for an unexpected death? What does that have to do with loot? If your party wiped right when you saw an item, well... sorry... you lost the fight, you don't get the prize. /shrug

Last edited by Tanist; 12/07/14 03:14 PM.