Joined: Mar 2003
I can't go in no more directions! Can someone give me please one hint.
1. Mines: Found no way back, I have to use leandras blood somehow.
2. Ghostwood: I can go in with only on Person (have only on Amulett) there are many enemies. One Person cant kill them. I found an Teleporter and Firemagons statues later. There I can use the pyramid to move the Party but cant throw the big grates on the Sport to avoid fire. I am Level 18, maybe I must come back later. (easy mode)
3. Kingsgrave. Found the starstone, but no way to the stairs up rigth. (Found a Foto here somewhere) No-one can "Telekinese" the pyramid so far. Maybe I have don all with gettig the starstone. Found also no way to the chests, but I think this is not nessesary. THe Ork/Human Quest dont go on, (I free the prisoners, kill the ratking and the ratmanager was killes by the goblinqueen, I help the family to go back to zandalors home, give the Whisky to the barkeeper) and now?
I absolutely stuck. Maybe I follow the Imp hunters? I send them to look on the south beach. Zickzack dont like, that I tell them where the imps are, so I reload and use the wrong direction.
Open is the sidequest of weresheep and i must look for the 3. Chest (last chest quest) but this is not questrelevant.
Last edited by Alix; 12/07/14 03:15 PM.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Apr 2013
1) You have to destroy the totem in the first room on the left in the mines. This should free the sceleton minors who give you the password for the big door in the very east of the mines. You have to sneak past the death knights. If you're already past the spot where you met Leandra you have to flee behind her. There is a portal north-west of her position which transports you to the old temple where you can find the spell for the blood.
2) That's how it should be. Just split your group and go through the poisoned area one by one. If one char is through toggle to his inventory and send the amulet to the next char and so on. Tedious, but working.
3) You should have found a "broken orc horn" or something like that at the end of the tomb where you found the corpse (just before the bloodstone. If you show that broken orc horn to the leader of the humans in Hunter's Edge the quest in the town will continue.
Joined: Jul 2014
2. Ghostwood: I can go in with only on Person (have only on Amulett) there are many enemies. One Person cant kill them. I found an Teleporter and Firemagons statues later. There I can use the pyramid to move the Party but cant throw the big grates on the Sport to avoid fire. I am Level 18, maybe I must come back later. (easy mode)
Have char with amulet drop pyramid when through and have your party teleport over.
Joined: Mar 2003
@LordCRash -thanks I'll try this yesterday, but maybe I talk to him, not with the Character who has the horn! - I found the way to leandras Office, but after she calld the 3 slow knigth, i Flee ans leave the mines. But I think I hat do go back. Found a teleporter in the mines, but no way to het Office again, so where can I use the blood? Maybe I forgot to take the scoll with me.
@allswaptaway: thanks, my ranger now manage to jump to cassandra, now I can use the whole Party.. but there are also unkillable knigth, seems I must finish the mines first.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Apr 2013
[quote=Alix]@LordCRash -thanks I'll try this yesterday, but maybe I talk to him, not with the Character who has the horn! - I found the way to leandras Office, but after she calld the 3 slow knigth, i Flee ans leave the mines. But I think I hat do go back. Found a teleporter in the mines, but no way to het Office again, so where can I use the blood? Maybe I forgot to take the scoll with me. /quote] Where did you leave the mines? Through the temple? You have to use the mirror to go to the crypt and from the mirror in the crypt to the mirror in the high priest's office where you find the scroll on a table. From there you have to the mirror again to the entrance area and there you can leave the mines/temple with another mirror. 
Joined: Mar 2003
I leave the mines with the mirrors, dont remeber in which order. Maybe I miss the Office? I end near White which hut. .. Try to come back later, but the last mirror can only teleport me out an din. There is a stair west of the last mirror, but I cant go up there... I cant use the pyramids there. Hmm maybe i miss somewhat. I'll Need to go back.
/edit.. found the other teleporter, must be blind! now I see the blue shild thanks to all!
Last edited by Alix; 12/07/14 08:50 PM.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.