Currently the recipes log just contains copy of crafting books we've read which is kinda lame IMO.
I think a better structured recipes log which would show each craft that you learned with its needed resouces/tools would be very appreciated by most players.
So here is a very basic draft:
| [Search...] [Filter:Food;Drink;Weapon;Potion;...] |
| (dropbox) |
| ------------------------ |
| |- Bread(Click to show) -| |
| |-------------------------------------| |
| | Type:Food Effect(If Known):Healing (Hover your mouse to |
| | Ingredient:No | see healing amount.) |
| | | |
| | (Item description) | |
| | | |
| | --------------- | |
| | Resources/Ingredients needed | |
| | | |
| | [Image] Floor + [Image] Bucket of Water(Hover your mouse to see |
| | | ingredients' recipe.) |
| | | |
| | OR (Alternative recipe) | |
| | | |
| | [Image] Floor + [Image] Cup of Water |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |-------------------------------------| |
| |
| |
| |
So that's the basic idea which I hope you would, of course, make it look even better by adding features I may have forgot.
Also, I think item's tooltip could also get some improvements
| -Bread- |
| Type:Food AP Cost:3 |
| Ingredient:No |
| |
| [Image] (Item Description) |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -Propertie(s)- |
| |
| Heals for x (Positive property, green colored)
| Thirst: +1 (Fictive negative property, red colored)
| Common 0.3 20 |