Normally not the case with Lucious. He really is a big RPG guy. Tired? Rushed? I don't know what all contributed to this. I'll admit that I'm saddened by the personal attacks though. People calling for his head on a pike, calling him an asshole, an idiot, a stupid fuck, etc. over a review. I guess people's personal feelings aren't important anymore. Gotta love the anonymity of the Internet.
Can you link to the previous RPGs he has reviewed?
Our reviews will never, ever, take into account the reviews of others, be they professional or fan. That's not in any way a good representation of a product, nor does it represent the writers opinion on that point. That's a mob with pitchforks and torches.
That is good. I will admit, I think the review is garbage myself, but pulling a review because people don't like your opinion is bad form. On the same token, though, the review has inaccuracies and light details of such a nature that the review really is poor quality. I've seen a few good reviews of this game that are pretty poor too.
You said it yourself - patches. We received the game well in advance of release, and well in advance of those patches. Perhaps Lucious ran into bugs that were fixed before you had access to the game? I'll find out. I'm not sure where you are going with my D3 review - it played flawlessly. We didn't have a single problem with the console version of D3. If you did, sorry. We didn't, so that's what we scored. Again, no mob score, but one that reflects the experience I had. In the case of this review, I'm going to get to the bottom of what Lucious saw and we'll take appropriate action to shore up or re-review the game, as appropriate.
Hard to say, since the review is rather light on details, eh?
That's hardly a biting personal attack. If the text was skimmed, and it caused him to have difficulty questing, that's hardly a criticism you cannot ignore. You said this guy likes RPGs--they tend to be text heavy, and in this game most of the details are are in the text. The game does have some problems with not telling you some things--some of them are in the manual however. It's fair for him to bring this up, but it's not so severe that it renders the game impossible to play. Missing the fact that the alt key shows items is both in the manual and is covered in the tutorial he mentions, so his criticism about not being able to find items is pretty clearly a sign of skimming since the point it MENTIONS that is a case where you need to find the key to open a chest!
It's funny how you can dish it out to me, but can't take it. Preserved for posterity:
You guys must really pride yourselves on professionalism.
Haven't played the game, but it sounds like he didn't find it as intuitive as you.
Dude, he wrote in the review that he knows it's about combining items. That's all there is to it. The game intentionally just does not tell you to combine X and Y to get Z, it's inferred from the recipe guides. It doesn't say "Combine knife and log to get stake," it would, for example, have a short paragraph in the crafting book on how you can use knives to carve logs into a stake. There's no basic list of things to combine in-game. That's why he couldn't find it "intuitive," because it's more reading. And it is largely obvious. Potion crafting is literally just dragging together and herb and a pot. It's EASIER than crafting in the Witcher series. The game just doesn't tell you explicitly what X and Y lead to until you try the combination (in which case it will tell you the result and how many of them you want to make). How do you make a larger health potion? Drag a stack of smaller health potions across another stack. I can't stand crafting in most games, but it's so brain-dead simple in this one that I do.
I'll take appropriate actions, but I'll point out that you are criticizing somebody for their work while your own reply is littered with personal attacks. It's a little hard to take constructive criticisms that way.