Hi, just thought when I see what modders can do in gaming world, what would be a game that should be "rebuild" with the D:OS Engine.

I got more than one:

The old Forgotten Realms series
Pool of Radiance
Curse of the Azure Bonds
Secret of the Silver Blades
Pools of Darkness

Das Schwarze Auge: Die Nordland-Trilogie
D&D Temple of elemental evil
Arcanum: Of Steamworks
Ultima (IV-VII)

Dunno if thats possible, also Baldurs gate 1/2 and Planescape Torment, Divine divinity, Beyound Divinty would be nice in new clothes.

I know thats also a big copyright issue, so just thoughts immo.
A poll would be coll but i think the forum does not support this, at least could not find the function.

Lets hear your thoughts on this, maybe also with suggestions of other games that would be nice to convert.


Update: Added the suggestions from later posts

Last edited by Schnitzelbrain; 13/07/14 11:21 AM.