Joined: Mar 2013
I think by now it is obvious that Swen's strategy has been a tremendous success. Make a deep, funpacked, polished coop RPG and the money will roll in. Bravo! I'm glad to have been part of crowdfunding it and look forward to years of gaming with Larians lovechildren.
Joined: May 2004
#1-selling game on Steam for 7 days straight (ever since release), even beating out this Left 4 Dead 2 for $5 sale atm.
Joined: Apr 2014
It wasn't number 1 seller for a few hours when the PayDay 2 Shotgun DLC came out, but after 4hrs or so D:OS was back on top.
Joined: Jul 2014
Which makes sense, because while it was still fun, it was nowhere near the game that DD and D:OS are - although I guess LightningYu disagrees. I didn`t say that. I only said, that`s my Favorite - not, thats the better Game. But also i wouldn`t say such Words like "it was nowhere near". I would say, that Divinity 2 wasn`t a almost perfect Game like Divinity OS, but you have to agree, for a 3D RPG it had MUCH Potential. And i think, if they give it a try and carry some of the Features from D:OS - this could be such a epic Game.
Joined: Dec 2010
I'm a bit surprised to be honest, that even for my region it is the #1 selling game on Steam even 2 weeks later. How do you sort by region? And I think it's only been one week, but still impressive. Any news on sales figures, do you think they've broken even yet?
Joined: Jul 2014
I'm a bit surprised to be honest, that even for my region it is the #1 selling game on Steam even 2 weeks later. How do you sort by region? And I think it's only been one week, but still impressive. Any news on sales figures, do you think they've broken even yet? I think they have. Swen said they were almost there on Thursday, and since it is still #1 on Steam it must have broken even by now.
Joined: Feb 2014
Gaming community 
Joined: Sep 2011
Some unorganized comments:
-Try looking at the most helpful user reviews on Steam. Here's a fun game: drink a shot every time you load another page of reviews and do NOT see any red. Stop drinking once you see red--you win. If you can win the game without passing out... you've a far stronger gut than I.
-DOS' success seems to be coming purely from word-of-mouth. As far as I can tell, Larian has ZERO advertising budget. Hell, most of the big gaming sites haven't even reviewed the game (yet?), nor have most of the big youtube personalities. The big Wasteland, Torment and Eternity kickstarters may have demonstrated that countless gamers still want classic-style CRPGs.... but Original Sin has demonstrated that we still LOVE them. For your number 1, I'm tempted to give it a red review but the content would be otherwise. Just to stop having tipsy people. I have suggested to Kripparrian to play D:OS and I'm hoping he would pick it up. He is playing Grim Dawn lately which is another indie game so he might pick this up.
"There is no such thing as absolute freedom because we are still prisoners of society"
Joined: Apr 2011
[quote=ImariKurumi]And I think it's only been one week, but still impressive. Any news on sales figures, do you think they've broken even yet? It's been at 1 too during the sale, when it was 20% off for quite some time before release.
Joined: Aug 2003
Not in the mood for cheese? That excuse has more holes than a slice this fine Gorgombert!
Joined: Apr 2013
More than 7 days (almost) straight on #1! Congrats, Larian!  I hope that means great sales numbers and at least one major expansion and maybe some smaller free DLC stuff for D:OS in the future...
Last edited by LordCrash; 08/07/14 01:01 PM.
Joined: Sep 2011
least more than one major expansion incorporating the kickstarter stretch goals is the first thing I have in mind especially the schedules and companion personalities.
"There is no such thing as absolute freedom because we are still prisoners of society"
Joined: May 2010
I was waiting this moment sooo long,and at last Larian becomes really famous studio!! +1 to henryv, implmenting of Phantom`s Forest Dungeon ,personalities,companions and other small cut features should be done,but first let`s Latrian fix most annoying bugs,crashes and make lot optimisation and then they should have big rest undoubtely
Experience is a hard master but a good teacher-Proverb of RPG player (c)
Joined: Oct 2013
Congrats to all the hard working people in Larian for getting the money and praise they deserve and congratulations to us all the fans that stood behind Swen,Kirill and all the developers giving our support and being honest with them as they have been honest with us.
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Moderator Emeritus
Joined: Dec 2012
D:OS is now also Top Seller #1 on GOG 
Last edited by Elwyn; 09/07/14 04:24 PM.
Joined: Feb 2014
Joined: Mar 2013
Congrats Larian. While enjoying the game, i can't wait for you guys next project.
Joined: Mar 2013
I hope you guys do well enough to split off teams with one team adding and improving content to D:OS (new editor features and content packs, expansions, patching and polishing, tweaking and improving) and one for an entirely new project surpassing D:OS in depth and content.
Joined: Feb 2014
Joined: Mar 2013
Don't worry Larian.. when winter sales come you see big monies. Hope you have enough money for Divine Divinity 3. And most of all, polish your games more  . You will be no doubt be like CD Projekt Red with your level of support.
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