Originally Posted by pts


Let's say two people are hungry, one catches a fish. If the other secretly takes it away, it is theft. If the other forcefully takes it away, it is piracy.


if things belong to you, you cant "steal" it back. its yours anyway. your actions are just a result of the thefts misbehaviour.

so all i see, there are 2 options:
1. buy on gog (and may burn it on a cd, create a cover etc)
2. buy on steam

OR dont play it.
downloading an illegal copy is not a proper solution.
if you like the game, support the developer. they deserved it.
a non aviable boxed- or whatever version is not an excuse for piracy in any case.

/my english may be not correct at certain times

Last edited by MelONE; 15/07/14 10:16 AM.

Today I have spotted a spider in my bathroom, so I took a paper towel and carefully burned the town to the ground.