Joined: Nov 2010
Congrats!! I hope with this they actually save up enough money to fully pay the next game in advance ( i.e. 4-5m or more). That would definitely take some of the pressure off the studio, though stay aware of complacency then  For me what I would really like to see is for Larian to work on a more serious RPG. The Divinity Series is great and I love the humor, but I really think a well written more serious game would do Larian well. Maybe work together with an author like Brent Weeks (lightbringer series) to create an add-on to D:OS, I think the different color principal in that serious could really lend itself well to the D:OS combat engine.
Joined: Jul 2014
I *love* D:OS. Please make an expansion, sequel or new IP with this engine. I will support it on kick starter. Take my money!
Joined: Jun 2014
Over two weeks top of sales chart for Steam is very impressive, I hope they are raking in money to put towards their next project which I hope is a Sci-Fi isometric space-visiting multiple varied worlds orientated RPG.
A lot of the bigger RPG developers tend to split their teams between fantasy RPG series and Sci-Fi one whether that's ones like Dragon Age/Mass Effect from Bioware or Witcher/Cyberpunk CDPR ect. I am hoping Larian earn enough to do the same with Divinity filling the fantasy role and then also starting a Sci-Fi one but keeping with the isometric deep RPG experiences.
The success and popularity shown so far on Steam also bodes well for Torment, Pillers of Eternity and Wasteland 2.
Last edited by Dragoonlordz; 14/07/14 12:10 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Universal acclaim on metacritic as well, personally I feel it's well deserved.
Ironically this is my first Larian game I've ever played, but thanks to being highly impressed with the quality of the gameplay I'm downloading Dragon Commander as I type.
Steam is being slow though...
Last edited by Jackal2200; 14/07/14 01:43 PM.
Joined: Jun 2011
Larian should stick to what they do best (i.e. to complex, isometric RPG's). Although the new IP and especially the Sci-Fi setting are welcomed.
Joined: Oct 2010
After what our Red Devils did and now seeing what a 40 people belgian developers team can do ... Proud to be Belgian  Imarion
Joined: Apr 2011
Yup, definitely hoping they can now make a new RPG without Kickstarter, and thus all the related issues and entitlement-fringes that come with it. Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a gamer if I see my fellow KS'ers being worse than producers. What point is KS is we're worse than the thing it's supposed to help against. Really?
Joined: Sep 2011
Don't worry Larian.. when winter sales come you see big monies. Hope you have enough money for Divine Divinity 3. And most of all, polish your games more  . You will be no doubt be like CD Projekt Red with your level of support. There are 5 people I know who is waiting for a sale. Regarding divinity 3, there is a suggestion thread before. Full of ideas. Might want to check on that: (WARNING: SPOILER ALERT) http://www.larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=27954&Number=450451#Post450451
Last edited by henryv; 14/07/14 11:43 PM.
"There is no such thing as absolute freedom because we are still prisoners of society"
Joined: Apr 2013
Yup, definitely hoping they can now make a new RPG without Kickstarter, and thus all the related issues and entitlement-fringes that come with it. Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a gamer if I see my fellow KS'ers being worse than producers. What point is KS is we're worse than the thing it's supposed to help against. Really? You fight single people with generalizations? You are actually not better than them... Most kickstarter backers are just happy with the game. Only VERY FEW of them complain about something. I think Larian will do a kickstarter again. But maybe they will make less "fixed" stretch goals this time. And they should only make digital games like Swen said himself. I think Larian had the perfect "balance" in their funding for D:OS: their own money, kickstarter money and Early Access money. That way they had enough money at every time in the development circle. Early develpment and basic game designed funded with own money until you have a working prototpye you can present for a kickstarter. Kickstarter money to enable additional features and the second stage of development. Early Access for the final stage of polishing, bugfixing and implementing customer feedback. I think Larian would be well advised to stick to that "path to success". 
Joined: Apr 2010
No more Kickstarters. They need to fund their own development now and be free from fan expectation. KS always backfires to some degree.
Joined: Apr 2013
I disagree. I think KS is a good fit, they just need to manage expectations/goals a little better.
Joined: Nov 2010
I also agree with LC, if handled correctly KS can be a valuable tool for any developer. Meeting the community expectation adds quite a bit of pressure, but it also brings out the best in folks. Another added benefit of the KS is that you already get quite a bit of PR and word of mouth as well as professional marketing without having to spend too much of a budget. The KS will give a company a good idea if what they are working on is going to be a good game which will make money. But as folks have been saying, stay away from physical goods. On the digital side only create things which are easily implementable and can be procedural y automated. They do have to offer some benefits to KS'ers for the risk they are taking in investing at that early stage in the cycle.
Joined: Jan 2014
If you can produce a playable demo, Steam Early Access seems to be the safest way to go for a developer. Once their build for SEA is approved and published, the developer is under zero obligation to deliver anything beyond that. Steam Early Access backers are expected to be satisfied with the game as it exists at the moment they purchase it; anything beyond that should be considered a bonus.
Now, obviously having the developer abandon their SEA product is not the result backers hope for (nor would it be a good move for the developer's future projects), but the point is the developers don't have to worry about explaining why they didn't get stretch-goal features in, or deal with complaints about someone's missing Kickstarter pony reward, or what text is on what box, etc. It's just a lot.. simpler.
Of course, losing 30% revenue off the top to Valve sucks. But I suppose it depends on how much money is being brought in by SEA versus Kickstarter.
There's also an argument that Kickstarter generates publicity which makes a game successful on Steam Early Access, but I suspect promising projects on Steam can generate their own momentum on Steam just fine without Kickstarter's help. In fact, too often lately projects are showing up on Steam Early Access with pricing that is shocking and angering would-be SEA backers, all in the name of keeping things "fair" for the Kickstarter backers and their pledge tiers. The result is a forum filled with bitter postings over prices, which is the first thing a potential buyer sees when looking for reviews and opinions. It turns the whole "word of mouth" benefit into a nightmare, and I'm really starting to think Kickstarter does more harm to titles on Steam Early Access than it helps.
Joined: Nov 2010
Agree with you on the pricing issue Gyson, but that can honestly be managed as long as you set clear expectations. That's honestly what's been lacking from allot of KS's. People seem to expect that they pay less than the game at release for backing early. A developer can manage that expectation by clearly communicating this at the start of the KS and defining what price points they are offering the game at KS and what it will be at early access and release. Honestly I think Larian has done a pretty good job of it and I've not seen many complaints on the pricing side for D:OS.
Kickstarter Pricing was from 20-28$ per copy which is way below what early access/released title was. Considering KS takes 5% and Amazon takes another 3-5% so compared that's 10% compared to 30% from steam.
So if you compare: Kickstarter 28$ -10% = 25$ Steam 40$ -30% = 28$
So if you take both Larian's benefit as well as the populations benefits into consideration KS is a good deal on all accounts.
Joined: Jul 2014
I definitely think Larian should go with Kickstarter again. And I think they will. Swen has said so in several interviews. They like the community feedback. But Swen also said that they would probably not do physical tiers again - too much hassle.
Yes there has been some minor hick-ups in the D:OS campaign but nothing major. The game is cool and that is all that *really* matters.
Although I have pledged above the "Divinity fan" (giving access to all games for 10 years) I will pledge again if a new kickstarter is made. I think it is worth supporting cool games - games that otherwise probably would not have been made. Without Kickstarter D:OS would probably have been an ARPG - and not turn based. So I am really happy they they could make it happen.
Last edited by Jacob Marner; 15/07/14 06:48 AM.
Joined: Jan 2014
Agree with you on the pricing issue Gyson, but that can honestly be managed as long as you set clear expectations. That's honestly what's been lacking from allot of KS's. People seem to expect that they pay less than the game at release for backing early. A developer can manage that expectation by clearly communicating this at the start of the KS and defining what price points they are offering the game at KS and what it will be at early access and release. Honestly I think Larian has done a pretty good job of it and I've not seen many complaints on the pricing side for D:OS.
I think the pricing problem mainly hits Kickstarter projects that have pricey points where alpha access becomes available. For example, if alpha access is only granted on the $70 tier and up, when the developers launch their alpha on Steam Early Access they'll set the price at $70 to avoid angering Kickstarter backers. Of course, that just ends up angering SEA backers, because they don't give two flips what Kickstarter backers paid and only see a developer asking $70 for an alpha demo that may or may not ever see another patch update. When the developer allows Kickstarter backers to access alpha at much lower prices (~$25 tiers) it all transitions over to SEA with much less sticker shock. Of course, alpha access tiers tend to be the more popular ones, so developers seem to struggle to find a balance that will make the the funding they're looking for without causing a ton of backlash once they show up on Steam.
Joined: Apr 2013
If Larian were to do another KS I would back it in a heartbeat, possibly for more than I did this time.
Joined: Apr 2011
You fight single people with generalizations? You are actually not better than them...
Most kickstarter backers are just happy with the game. Only VERY FEW of them complain about something. Sadly, no, it's not 'single people'... I followed enough Kickstarter's to know the major shitstorms over the tiniest things. It's not surprising most developers who were successfull on KS instead find other means of financing now rather than try again. Most people on KS seem to grap even a basic understanding of design. Flames if they get little info, flames if games are delayed for good reason, threats they want money back, etc. etc. I wish it were single people, I wouldn't make this point if they were single people... but no, there are just too many out there I notice acting like this to deem it single people rather than apparently the nature of the beast...
Joined: Jun 2013
Can some dev, please, update us on sales numbers? I'm genuinely interested to know.
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