Originally Posted by Garod
Question is how many "Serious" Early Access games are out there?
Have to admit my ignorance here since I've only really gone through this process with D:OS.

I did hear some other negative comments on games which went through KS/SEA and release which were negative. Does anyone have any positive examples?

How is that important? We talk about Larian here and they've already proven with D:OS that Early Access can be used in a reasonable way. I think that "established" studios with some reputation and experience how to handle a game development process are much more reliable here of course.

You have to look at it like that: is it a game you would normally preorder? If no, don't buy into Early Access, just ignore it until release. If yes, there is no reason not to buy into Early Access.

Last edited by LordCrash; 15/07/14 03:49 PM.