Originally Posted by Tanist

Maybe it is just me, but I would like them first to spend a lot more time on making the game harder (more complex AI, etc...) as those are types of things that really need a more professional touch Loot design for now can easily be handled by the modding community.

These loot arguments are kind of pointless when you can destroy encounters without too much concern to character gearing. I think that once they are able to really ramp up the difficulty, then maybe more detailed min/max arguments on loot will be warranted.

I can agree that. With the way my team was slaughtering everything that had the misfortune of coming across our path, I felt loot was superfluous.

Even my friend who was more retentive about savescumming stopped caring past level 18

Last edited by Songbird; 15/07/14 04:03 PM.