Originally Posted by Reezus
Seriously Larian!?!?!?!?!

All those fixes and still no hotkeys to cycle through our hotbars?!!?!?!?

Registered here just to say this. Please, PLEASE add hotbar hotkeys. Can it seriously be that difficult?

Clicking those tiny tiny tiny little up & down arrows is driving me mad!

I am dissapoint

They did, I think they missed stating it in the patch notes. Check the Hoykeys. Now you'll be upset because they made you create an account just to post this.

This, sort by type, saved sorts, use from containers and Dialog/Banter split to me are the highlights.

EDIT: And the Dialog box so far seems to remember where I left it. Hallelujah!

Last edited by Horrorscope; 16/07/14 01:23 AM.