Originally Posted by IndySandbagTrick
I don't pirate games anymore, but it was a 'stage' I guess; where I didn't make the connection between pirating and hurting the devs...
Ditto - when I started gaming (back in the 1980s), swapping games with friends was ubiquitous and every computer-owning adult I knew back then did the same.

Of course, once you have your own income things can change and I purchased from then on. And like others here, my make-or-break criteria is DRM and I have boycotted a few dozen AAA-titles for that, choosing instead to support studios that treat their customers with more respect.

And Larian have, with D:OS, largely done that. Their reliance on Steam for the physical DVDs was an unfortunate decision, which they've agreed to fix for KS backers (and I hope they consider a patch for DVD owners generally to remove the Steam requirement) but they're offering a version on GOG which is fully DRM-free whichever way you look at it.

Given their past history (Starforce on Beyond Divinity, SecuROM Online on Flames of Vengeance) that's progress to be welcomed.