Originally Posted by Raith
Xyst I have never heard of anyone having those issues, if EVERYONE was having those issues, like you seem to think they are, the forums would have been on fire ever since launch. Stop acting like just because you and a few others are having those issues, everyone must be. Not saying it isn't a major issue and shouldn't be fixed just because it is happening to a minority, just saying for you to stop acting like a you are the center of the universe, and your experience is mirrored by everyone else.

This game is stable as fuck for me, and I genuinely feel bad that it isn't stable for you.

Why Thank you Raith. I appreciate that you are 1 more person that has not had these issues. If you read the Tech Issues part of the Forums, you would see that there are a ton of players that are having these exact issues - but, in your defense, I understand that if I had zero problems with stability, I would likely not read the Tech Issue part of the forums either :p

I imagine that those players that have high end Rigs are able to play just fine (which is hopefully a lot of you out there) and can enjoy this amazing game just fine. I had posted in this thread because I wanted to point out just how important it is to have this issue be a priority and add a bit of disappointment that it has not been addressed yet (and I say yet, having faith that this issue will be addressed ASAP). As per a suggestion up above ^^ I did post in Technical Issues as well with specs included and all the things I have done on my end to try and fix the issue. Apologies to ya Raith (or anyone else) that my post came off as Egocentric - if you knew me, you would know I am far from it. Frustrated with a hint of anger is more like it smile I want to play this game so bad it hurts!