There should be some risk/reward placed in the game.
When I beat a difficult boss, I want to be rewarded with good loot and not a plethora of trash drops.
I understand why Larian went with randomized loot though:
It's much less work.
Balancing a game is a horribly difficult task and eats a lot of resources you could've put into more interesting parts of the game.
Agreed. However the problem isn't necessarily randomized loot: personally, I think a random loot system can work as long as the weightings are done correctly, so that equal numbers of each type of item drop (and not 90% jewellery and chest pieces). The random stats should be more geared towards specialised builds (metal armor with +STR, cloth with +INT, leather with +DEX) rather than the completely random current system - players can always use jewellery to add the stats their armor lacks. Also, some combinations just shouldn't be in the game (metal boots with +Sneaking? GTFO).
Having 200 spells in the game is pointless when only 20 of them are actually useful.
Not sure I agree with you here. I'm playing with both a Geo/Pyro and an Aero/Hydro combination and even though both of them have 3 full skill bars I wish I had more space. If anything, there's too much choice; I can win fights using any number of combinations of spells, and I'm always finding situations in which I need a spell I wouldn't normally use in a fight. Sure, there are some that are very niche - e.g. I never use Farsight, as it seems too much work to be constantly casting it and I'd rather rely on my main character having high PER in the first place.
Also put a cap to resistances that isn't 100 percent. 75 percent should be plenty and ensures that elemental attacks don't get useless. Then again you run into the problem of some skills actually hurting your character and becoming useless.
I think 100 percent elemental resistance hurts the game a lot though.
100% agreed. My main can now get healed by walking in lava with 125% fire res, that's just stupid.
Also 2 handed damage is batshit insane at the moment. Can't compare to rogue and archer damage output though since I haven't played them yet.
1 handed damage is a joke though. Barely tickles and with the cc nerf my sword and board fighter becomes a totally superfluous wuss.
My Rogue main does pretty well with backstab, and Dagger's Drawn is as OP as Flurry. A sword and board fighter isn't there to do damage though, he's there to soak it up. With resistances as they are however I don't see the need for a tank, I've been using Madora as my front-line and she's been fine. I never use Rage though so she's a good balance of tank and spank.