My Rogue main does pretty well with backstab, and Dagger's Drawn is as OP as Flurry. A sword and board fighter isn't there to do damage though, he's there to soak it up. With resistances as they are however I don't see the need for a tank, I've been using Madora as my front-line and she's been fine. I never use Rage though so she's a good balance of tank and spank.
Flurry is not even remotely the reason twohanders are better than daggers, and daggers drawn isn't as good as Flurry.
Flurry is super situational and is there basically just for bosses who have absurd health and don't die to the absurd Man-at-Arms AoE (Because being able to crit basically everything on the screen for 2k isn't overpowered amirite). Those bosses also tend to only lose 20~30% of their health to a rage Flurry.
Now that's where daggers shine. Dagger backstabs have the highest damage per AP of all the normal attacks. Daggers Drawn would be good if it could backstab, but it can't so it's ultimately weaker than 4 backstabs. The problem is that rogues don't have access to ridiculous AoE attacks so they're really only good at taking out single targets.