Originally Posted by Tranjspd
You logic is flawed. I understand the desire to do this, and some companies allow this through demos, but you are still breaking the law, and still pirating. It would be awesome if all devs had demos, or try before buy, but it's a lot of work to build a demo, and not all devs have the resources to do so. Just like you can't go to Best Buy and grab a TV, bring it home without paying for it and then decide you like it or don't, you can't do this with games without breaking the law. It's flat out stealing. It does hurt devs. While you may feel like it is justified, it isn't.

Stores tend to accept returns. Sure, it'll probably help if you make sure the store you're buying it from has a good return policy beforehand. If you can return it then you essentially do get to take it home and try it out in a sense.

For games this is not quite the same. PC games with DRM usually do so via a CD-key. If it's a CD-key that's verified online then you cannot return the game. If it's through steam then you cannot return the game (except through special exceptions). You can't make a demo of a TV for people to take home, but you can make a demo of a game. Game demos should be the standard and every game should have one. If the devs don't have time then all they have to do is find a way to cut off content past x and ship that. It's better than no demo.