It's kind of weird that everyone who gave less than 80 so far was obviously unable or unwilling to understand or evaluate basic concepts of this game like the fact that the whole game is made for co-op.
It's pretty sad that obviously everyone can write trash on the internet today without even basic knowledge about the profession or the work ethics of the job...
Also this review is just snarky and edgy because of no apparent reason other than the reviewer feeling superior to the game he writes about. The only purpose of this review is to present the author as some kind of "cool author" who thinks that he is so good that he could write about pop culture instead of the game he reviews. The whole review itself - what he actucally writes about the game - isn't clearly marked as his opinion. Actually he never really gives any own opinion. It's all about nice words without being spot on. Guys like that are ridiculous and their complacent and illusive stuff isn't worth to be read in the first place. Spare yourself the reading, you won't find anything new there apart from the petty attempt of the author to use nice words and witty writing for covering up a lacking review and for presenting himself as a superior person/writer...