Joined: Jul 2014
I am sure that the issues which I and Xyst have are connected with 32bit system. I guess we just don't have enough operative memory. And do you know how many people stil have 32 bit system??? How dare you say that this doesn't affect large audiences? Nevertheless, even if i have crashes each 20 minutes, I continue to play and I have played around 54 hours. I have also noticed that in some locations like black cove or Niberheim there are no crashes at all, so it was really great to play there.
Joined: Apr 2011
But he didn't say "many" people, he said "everyone"... major big difference. But I think enough on the subject, the whole last page was just discussion that one post...
Joined: Aug 2013
People with 32 bit systems are less than human, you should be happy that we haven't hunted you down and eaten you yet. There are people out there that will think I am being serious, they shall be ridiculed.
Joined: Apr 2013
Yes we need to complain about the lack of patch notes for 1.0.74  also a Larian bod posted on Steam (don't have link to had as I've closed Steam) that at some point there will be a bug fix related to the chests at the Homestead. If you send to much stuff it looks like the stuff is lost, but its really there just not visible in the UI. Apparently they'll either limit the amount you can send OR put tabs on the chest. People with 32 bit systems are less than human, you should be happy that we haven't hunted you down and eaten you yet. There are people out there that will think I am being serious, they shall be ridiculed. Those are probably the same people that were outraged the Spielberg shot a dinosaur for sport.
Last edited by tarasis; 16/07/14 10:05 AM.
Joined: Apr 2011
Well, obviously there will be more patches. People who expected that the first, a week or 1 1/2 after release would fix EVERYTHING only fool themselves, or don't know a thing about game-development.
Yes, I know it's sad your pet-peeve (might it be leech being powerful, or inability to respec lone wolf etc.) isn't fixed yet, but that's no reason to blow it out of proportions, throw around insults or go all out campaign of "Larian doesn't fix it's bugs!" just cause you might need to wait some longer... bugfixing isn't magic.
Joined: Jul 2014
yesterday my game was running for around 6 hours without any issue at all, but I'm running win7 x64 with 16gb ram.
Joined: Apr 2013
This seems like a nice patch. Glad for the additional action bars! Though maybe add an option somewhere to set the number of action bars you want?  Anyway, off to some more D:OR! Cheers!
Mikkel - WoOS
Joined: Jan 2011
First there was small patch *for the editor*. Then a big patch *for the game* on Steam for 1.0.72.
And later again a small patch for the game. But if you didn't use Steam in-between 1.0.72 and 1.0.74 it will just download them in one go. Oh that explains it then, thanks. 
Joined: Apr 2013
Anyway, off to some more D:OR!
Cheers! Are you cheating on Larian with another game? You go play Original Sin right now, mister!
Joined: Apr 2013
Anyway, off to some more D:OR!
Cheers! Are you cheating on Larian with another game? You go play Original Sin right now, mister! Whoops, of course I meant D:OS! Though, I've hit somewhat of a bug. My new save games doesn't work.  (The save games, after this patch)
Mikkel - WoOS
Joined: Dec 2010
The teleport bug was great for map hopping areas without close waypoints.
I thought maybe I was the only one experiencing that exploit. It sure was hard to resist teleporting in to places I should not have access to.
The hotbar hotkeys are a welcome addition, now let us bind the individual skills and we'll be set.
Joined: Aug 2013
@Lar_q Please, can you use also the Steam "Product Updates" section to publish your changelogs? Thank you. RMB on a game, News, Product Updates on the right... The changelogs are too long for steam to handle So where are they? I still haven't figured out all that got changed.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2003
I have actually looked for that product updates thing and cannot find where we can actually "post" in it.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2006
As far as we can see, the large majority of players can play without any stability problems. But there's a group on 32 bit systems which are having a lot of trouble and that's certainly a situation we want to resolve. A lot of effort is going into that now.
Joined: Jul 2014
can someone tell, did they do any skill balance changes? Like buff usless Daggers drawn and such?
Joined: May 2013
Did someone obtain this spell yet ? -Added new spell, Summon_ShadowCasterEF (uses only old assets incl. name & spells)
Meowmic Republic of Sin
Joined: Jul 2014
It seems that the folder that Steam Workshop downloads mods (beside the Cow Simulator) to is different than the folder that D:OS looks at for mods, meaning that player made mods from the Workshop won't show up ingame.
Joined: Apr 2013
LordCrash, the picture is not very helpful but I can JUST about make out the fact you have a Tenebrium of FOUR.
If your weapon deals Tenebrium damage then 2handed/1handed/bow/crossbow skills become useless and it adds the Tenebrium value instead - since you have a 4 not a 5 in that, it's why you think your damage is off.
I'm having to guess of course, because your picture isn't very helpful but hopefully you'll understand when you check if your weapon does Tenebrium damage if this is the case. Well, in that case the whole way Tenebrium enchantments work is pointless and counterintuitive imo. Making an ability completely useless after you invested 15 ability points into it and replacing it with a way less effective ability? Wow...
Joined: Jul 2014
Nice list, thank you.  Do you think you can add keybindings to switch skillbars in a future update? Or an option to show 2-3 bars at once would be great!
Joined: Apr 2013
Nice list, thank you.  Do you think you can add keybindings to switch skillbars in a future update? Or an option to show 2-3 bars at once would be great! They already implemented keybindings to switch skillbars(R and F, can be changed in the game's options) and the increased the number of skillbars to 5 in total. They just forgot to mention that in the changelist. 
Last edited by LordCrash; 16/07/14 05:20 PM.
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian