Originally Posted by Bl4ckSh33p
Originally Posted by LordCrash
Originally Posted by Bl4ckSh33p
Nice list, thank you. smile
Do you think you can add keybindings to switch skillbars in a future update? Or an option to show 2-3 bars at once would be great!

They already implemented keybindings to switch skillbars(R and F, can be changed in the game's options) and the increased the number of skillbars to 5 in total. They just forgot to mention that in the changelist. wink

Great! laugh
btw: Nice sheep avatar. wink

/edit: found it in the key bindings but it seems you cant bind Shift+Mousewheel Up/Down, only single keys. frown

(and the "highlight characters" default binding is shown as blank, but I think its the ^ key (found it by accident))

It's "oe" (the German umlaut, forum software doesn't support the input of umlaute) in my game and shown as the same in the options ? Maybe that's a problem with different (localized) keyboards?

Last edited by LordCrash; 16/07/14 07:46 PM.