Originally Posted by Moonstrider

Originally Posted by LordCrash
Physical discs on PC are just dead. DEAD. Sooner or later they will go the way of the dodo bird. The sooner you accept that the better. Deal with it or do something else with your leisure time.

The funny thing is it's been said exactly the same about paper books a while ago. wink I must admit e-books were never anywhere near as popular as digital releases are, yet still some gamers buy the boxes, ain't they? And what was all that fuss about with D:OS steam-free discs when we have GoG?

Good point, but it's a little bit different with books. It's a different feel while consuming the product. You don't hold a video game disc in your hand while playing. It's bascially just a data storage but the actual experience is the same. You couldn't say the same for books. While the content is the same, the usability and the feeling while experiencing it can be different.

And for D:OS: my local Gamespot store doesn't even sell the game in discs here in Germany. At least I haven't seen a single copy so far.

If I remember correctly Swen himself stated that only about 10-15% of their sales are generated by physical versions. That is not dead, but it's also far from being alive and striving... wink