Originally Posted by Verzwei
Originally Posted by Sealiah
Played for a few hours last night with my buddy in our coop game. The teller was absolutely regenerating the books every time we leveled, just like she was pre-patch.

Most of the other changes (that we could actually test) did appear to 'apply' to our game, the teller was the one outlier.

Same for me and my buddy in our co-op game. My assumption is that the change takes place on her initial spawn when the portal is opened. She will likely not regen them on new games. That is only speculation though smile (I'm not complaining, I'm stoked I get to take advantage of it for that last few levels in this playthrough hahaha)

Well, I got to the point where I could test this on my single player game (was waiting for the AI personalities before restarting it) and... The teller still regenerates her books every level. I got her unlocked at 5, bought books, leveled to 6 and she had a new set to sell.

It appears this bug/"exploit" was not fixed at all.

Maybe it just works with a new game...

It's quite funny that I didn't unlock this room in the homestead before level 17... hahaha

Last edited by LordCrash; 17/07/14 09:52 PM.