focus on your warrior skills first, make sure you have at least 8 strength to start. add another point to strength at level 3, then with a claw amulet or belt, or random magic item, you can boost your strength to 10 so you can wear decent armor early. even though you want to have mage skills, if you are focusing mostly on being a warrior, don't put any points into intelligence. focus on strength, constitution, and speed.

good skills to start are the heal skill, the battering ram (to get you into combat fast, and bonus knockdown and damage on the way), then either the spin damage skill or warming (warming is great if you have a fire mage or witch behind you; it lowers the enemy resistance to things like fire and blind or slow). toss a point into leadership if you can, it helps. best to do that for both your starting characters even, especially if one is combat oriented and the other ranged or magic.

around level 4, start thinking about what mage skill you want to add to your warrior. witch or air is good. even both if you really want a battlemage type, otherwise pick one and put a couple of points into it, and put the rest into offensive/defensive skills and your warrior skill.

witch spells allow you to buff your damage, increase your elemental resists by 50%, or debuff the enemy. if you are focusing primarily on being a warrior, you will have low int (you can add a point or two when you get to higher levels) so pick spells that don't rely so much on having high int to succeed (focus on buffs instead of debuffs, IOW; let your focused mages use the debuffs until your own int reaches 7 or 8). air spells can give you resistance to physical damage, and of course teleportation, which IMO is the single most useful spell in the game.

that's about it, really. you should do fine with such a character.

two handed weapons do quite a bit more damage than 1h, and are only a point slower. assuming you plant to be primarily a damage dealer instead of a tank, I would recommend 2h over 1h.

OTOH, if you DO plan to play the tank role, then definetly go 1h + shield, as not only can shields block ALL physical damage, but you get the added benefit of whatever stats and bonuses the shield adds to your character.

Last edited by Ichthyic; 17/07/14 10:29 PM.