Joined: Jul 2014
Reloaded at least 100+ times, due to not being able to get Aureus to sell whirlwind skill book. At level 14 at the moment. Hope it get fixed soon.
Joined: Jul 2014
This has given me an interesting idea for a mod. There's already a mod that makes the skill books permanent (ie. they don't disappear after reading them). So I'm thinking of adding 'ALL' skill books to a container (I'm actually thinking the bookshelves in the Library would be ideal for this). Then you just have to visit the Library to find all the skill books you need. And as the books are permanent and always available, you don't have to worry about respecs. I think I'm going to do some experimenting with this 
Joined: Jul 2014
This has given me an interesting idea for a mod. There's already a mod that makes the skill books permanent (ie. they don't disappear after reading them). So I'm thinking of adding 'ALL' skill books to a container (I'm actually thinking the bookshelves in the Library would be ideal for this). Then you just have to visit the Library to find all the skill books you need. And as the books are permanent and always available, you don't have to worry about respecs. I think I'm going to do some experimenting with this That would be much better. AND more logical. Then we can keep our fingers crossed for the final solution. Skillbookus Eradicus.
Joined: Jul 2014
This is one of those few terrible design decisions in this game.
I still havn't seen frostwall yet. I can't respec my warrior due to not being able to get the aoe skills again either. Sucks.
Other than that its a great game. Just make some books more easily available. Better yet, ditch the skill books. They serve no useful purpose and just make trying to do a rudimentary task, leveling up, a pain. i would agree with this. i have a hard time calling it a feature when it boils down to: level up save next to vendor quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check finally! i am not sure who would find that 'fun' Thank RNGesus on your way out. The problem with people having this kind of "compulsion" to control what they get from the loot system, is that they just aren't made to play them. This game isn't designed to work that way, simple as that. The idea is that if you play it a second time, the game should be different. you get to learn different skills, different loot from bosses and chests, ... If you ever played D&D you'd be familiar with a system like this. And if you have played D&D but don't like it, than you probably had a bad dungeon master. Ever opened a chest and told the dungeon master: "I don't like that loot, roll that D20 again." or "I needed a 18 or higher for epic loot, you rolled a 5, you are a bad dungeon master!" or even "I died because you rolled the wrong number, this game is unbalanced" See the skillbooks as a utility belt where you get to chose different tools as they come along. Sometimes there just is no hammer at your expense, that doesn't mean that you can't use a screwdriver and some screws instead. Work with what you have, adept to the game, and for the love of god, change your strategies from time to time, you'll see you like it a lot better 
Last edited by Styno; 18/07/14 08:07 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
This is one of those few terrible design decisions in this game.
I still havn't seen frostwall yet. I can't respec my warrior due to not being able to get the aoe skills again either. Sucks.
Other than that its a great game. Just make some books more easily available. Better yet, ditch the skill books. They serve no useful purpose and just make trying to do a rudimentary task, leveling up, a pain. i would agree with this. i have a hard time calling it a feature when it boils down to: level up save next to vendor quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check quickload->check finally! i am not sure who would find that 'fun' Thank RNGesus on your way out. The problem with people having this kind of "compulsion" to control what they get from the loot system, is that they just aren't made to play them. This game isn't designed to work that way, simple as that. The idea is that if you play it a second time, the game should be different. you get to learn different skills, different loot from bosses and chests, ... If you ever played D&D you'd be familiar with a system like this. And if you have played D&D but don't like it, than you probably had a bad dungeon master. Ever opened a chest and told the dungeon master: "I don't like that loot, roll that D20 again." or "I needed a 18 or higher for epic loot, you rolled a 5, you are a bad dungeon master!" or even "I died because you rolled the wrong number, this game is unbalanced" See the skillbooks as a utility belt where you get to chose different tools as they come along. Sometimes there just is no hammer at your expense, that doesn't mean that you can't use a screwdriver and some screws instead. Work with what you have, adept to the game, and for the love of god, change your strategies from time to time, you'll see you like it a lot better As you get experience you should get better. That's how all RPG's work. I want to unlock better skills as I progress not randomly get a chicken or a block of cheese and have people tell me I should feel good about it because that's the way it is. The skill books could just be removed altogether and they implement any number of a dozen other D&D game systems that have been done before and the game would just be better.
Joined: Jul 2014
As you level up, the traders will sell other and more powerful skillbooks  Just come back to them every once in a while Some skills are high level skills so the books can only be found/bought when you are level 14+. The stuff traders sell is dependent on your characters' level A bit of technical info, for those who care (contains spoilers) If you take a look at the objects file (Divinity - Original Sin\Data\Editor\Templates\Stats\object.xslm), you can see what skillbooks can be found at what level.
First check the ActPart, this is the "level of the skillbook", by default you will only find the item if your character is min ActPart-1. Secondly, check the MinLevel and MaxLevel fields at the right hand side, this is an overwrite for when the item can be found, ignoring the actual item level.
As you can see: The ressurect skillbook is a level 16 item, but the min/max overwite states that the item can be found when you are between level 14 and level 20.
The whirlwind book for example can only be found when you are minimum level 6, since the item is level 7.
Next up we check the ObjectCategory to see when/where it can spawn.
As you can see, SKILLBOOK_Warrior_Target_StunStart has a ObjectCategory SkillbookWarrior. If we head over to the treasure table file (Treasuretable.xls), we see that SkillbookWarrior can be dropped by warrior trainers.
However, the ObjectCategory of the whirlwind skillbook item is blank which means that it will not drop or be sold by random generation. This usually means that this item is placed somewhere in the world for you to find deliberately, or you receive it form someone upon completing a quest.
Last edited by Styno; 18/07/14 10:39 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Still no luck via vendors, awaiting for a fix before playing any further.
Joined: Jul 2014
Still no luck via vendors, awaiting for a fix before playing any further. I really hope they fix this soon, surely it wouldn't take long for them to create a hotfix!!! 
Joined: Jul 2014
Sorry, this is not game-breaking, don't make such pretentious topic titles.
Nor does this warrant the use of CAPS in any way. You have an opinion on Skill books, some are not available, live and learn, shit happens, Hit the New Game button.
Problem solved.
The only constant in time is change
Joined: Jul 2014
Sorry, this is not game-breaking, don't make such pretentious topic titles.
Nor does this warrant the use of CAPS in any way. You have an opinion on Skill books, some are not available, live and learn, shit happens, Hit the New Game button.
Problem solved. Are you for real? Are you suggesting that Larian purposely implement it so that some starting skills would be available by vendors and others not? It may not be game breaking for your characters, but for a lot of others it is. Try and empathize with us.
Joined: Apr 2013
Nothing is broken about the system, you just don't like it. That is fair enough, but at least be honest.
I think the system works fine. I have never felt the need to save/load to get what I want. I get different skills in different games, I'm happy with this system.
Mods can fix this for you, don't start shouting "GAME-BREAKING" just because there is a feature you don't like.
Joined: Jul 2014
A bit of technical info, for those who care (contains spoilers) If you take a look at the objects file (Divinity - Original Sin\Data\Editor\Templates\Stats\object.xslm), you can see what skillbooks can be found at what level.
First check the ActPart, this is the "level of the skillbook", by default you will only find the item if your character is min ActPart-1. Secondly, check the MinLevel and MaxLevel fields at the right hand side, this is an overwrite for when the item can be found, ignoring the actual item level.
As you can see: The ressurect skillbook is a level 16 item, but the min/max overwite states that the item can be found when you are between level 14 and level 20.
The whirlwind book for example can only be found when you are minimum level 6, since the item is level 7.
Next up we check the ObjectCategory to see when/where it can spawn.
As you can see, SKILLBOOK_Warrior_Target_StunStart has a ObjectCategory SkillbookWarrior. If we head over to the treasure table file (Treasuretable.xls), we see that SkillbookWarrior can be dropped by warrior trainers.
However, the ObjectCategory of the whirlwind skillbook item is blank which means that it will not drop or be sold by random generation. This usually means that this item is placed somewhere in the world for you to find deliberately, or you receive it form someone upon completing a quest.
No that I'm so full of myself to quote myself, but if you'd read this you'd understand that this is NOT a bug, but intended by design
Last edited by Styno; 18/07/14 12:43 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
The thing is mate, it clearly wasn't intended to be a 'feature'. If the game were consistent in which spells it does not let you get scrolls for I would be content. But the fact is, it is only a select few that are affected, and there isn't a logical reason for why they would have implemented it in that way. Mods can fix this for you, don't start shouting "GAME-BREAKING" just because there is a feature you don't like.
Joined: Jul 2014
You can also craft them yourself btw 
Joined: Jul 2014
well, as far as i know you can't craft "Walk in shadows", only the elemental skills can be crafted from scrolls, right?
"Here lies Nazik, who also thinks YOUR name is weird"
-Graveyard, northeast of Cyseal
Joined: Jul 2014
Doesn't Arhu sell new things every single time he transform? Like for example, you go to his room and you bought something from him while his a human, then you go outside and few minutes later you came back in, but this time his a cat.
Joined: Aug 2011
Ever opened a chest and told the dungeon master: "I don't like that loot, roll that D20 again." or "I needed a 18 or higher for epic loot, you rolled a 5, you are a bad dungeon master!" or even "I died because you rolled the wrong number, this game is unbalanced" No DM worth her salt resorts to random treasure tables anymore, unless she is doing it for a laugh.
Joined: Jun 2014
Sorry, this is not game-breaking, don't make such pretentious topic titles.
Nor does this warrant the use of CAPS in any way. You have an opinion on Skill books, some are not available, live and learn, shit happens, Hit the New Game button.
Problem solved. Seriously, everyone. Clearly the solution is to throw away what is potentially hours of your time and embrace an unnecessary, fatalistic attitude rather than address a problem with a simple and obvious answer.
Joined: Jul 2014
IF Styno is right. and it isn't with the vendors because it can be found in the game or through a quest then the system is just fine. but if it cannot be found anywhere at all then it is flawed.
also about which skills are we talking about exactly? i've heard walk in shadows and whirlwind? any others?
Joined: Apr 2014
Sorry, this is not game-breaking, don't make such pretentious topic titles.
Nor does this warrant the use of CAPS in any way. You have an opinion on Skill books, some are not available, live and learn, shit happens, Hit the New Game button.
Problem solved. Get out of here.
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian