Originally Posted by Ichthyic
I don't see listed how to make blank magic scrolls, so here are the formulas:

blank paper + ...

pixie dust = blank witch scroll
fire essence = blank fire scroll
air essence = blank air scroll
water essence = blank water scroll
earth essence = blank earth scroll

as a side note, Thelyron (the medic mage in Cyseal) almost always has gear that boost crafting skill. starting with gauntlets, and then after you reach level 7, he will start selling belts with crafting boost on them. so, you should only need to put 3 skill points (total) into crafting (to get it to level 3) for any character that starts with one point in it already, like Jahan. so with just the tiniest bit of luck (meaning a couple of reloads to get cheap craft boost gear from Thelyron), you should be able to craft anything in the game by level 7, without gimping any of your characters.

Yeah this needs to be updated, this was changed since last patch, I thought it was a bug when I kept making blank witch scrolls