Joined: Jul 2014
I play an archer with stealth (level 8), I have 9 dex and 2 bow skills.
I have quickly unlocked the 2nd map and am trying to kill all the mobs. But I can't even hit them! I hit one shot out of like 20, just missing all the damn time!
Really giving me a headache it's a pain, I want to be able to progress through the game how I want, not some linear bullshit like "You are supposed to go east, then west, then blah."
Why am I missing all the damn time
Joined: Jun 2014
Keep in mind bows lose accuracy over distance. Perception helps with that.
Also things that increase chance to hit:
- Disabled targets(stunned, knocked down, etc) have a 100% chance to be hit
- Lucky Charm gives 3 offense rating per rank
- Leadership rank 2 bonus gives a quite substantial 10% boost to chance to hit
- Bless (Geomancy spell) gives +30 offense rating
- Ranged Precision Stance (Marksman) gives +30 offense rating at a trade off of 1 extra AP to shoot
You can toggle Precision Stance off and on for no AP cost, so using it based on your chance to hit is a good idea.
Last edited by Fellgnome; 23/07/14 04:45 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
you're kidding right, I'd hoped I would just put points in dexterity and that would be it.
I can't knockdown I'm just an archer. Knockdown arrows are not unlimited in stores. I don't craft.
This game's ruleset is the pinnacle of stupidity.
I want to kill mobs above my level, but apparently every enemy has a healing spell. I can't use stealth as it will result in them running away.
This is totally unfair for the player. I don't have bless I don't have a mage. I have two archers, I'm trying to play with only 2 characters.
What a stupid piece of shit. I think I'll go back to the proper DnD ruleset, at least I know why I'm not hitting.
Edit: Shitty precision stance wastes Action Points when used. Every attack takes like 10 action points, and it's not even sure you will hit the enemy. Another shitty rule from Larian, the Belgian kings of the rigged die rolls for AI.
Edit: I really am so mad at this game it's unbelievable. I don't think I've ever been this mad, I really punched my keyboard and the plastic casing broke in half.
Last edited by Halpmepls; 23/07/14 04:58 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Also, if you don't craft or blacksmith in this game you have no chance to apply damage to your weapons. There are no smiths in the world that can help you with that, for a fee.
Do you know of any RPG where smiths don't apply elemental damage to your weapons, or they don't craft your weapons? I certainly don't.
In this world though, only the player can craft and smith.
What in the hell kind of RPG is this? Is this their first Role playing game or something?
If not, I'd be worried about this company making any more.
Joined: Jul 2014
Joined: Jul 2014
Why does that matter? Do you understand what I've written?
the game is designed so that you can play it only one way. Do you understand that? this is crap game design, it's not an RPG.
Just now, my archer stealthed trying to get those fire enemies in the first map. Once they get below half their health, they keep healing. I dont mean they heal once per 3-4 rounds. I mean they KEEP healing, every round, until health is above halfway. That sound fair to you?
I don't want to play with 4 people, I don't want to do the undead first, I want to take out the enemies I want. I want to solo the game with 2 stealth archers, not with their stupid rulesets that will not allow me any freedom.
Totally Awful game design. Yet, you ask my age, that seems to bother you more.
By the way, I am not just a casual gamer like most people. I spend at least 10 hours a day, every day playing games. I don't play like a child, I play like an adult.
Last edited by Halpmepls; 23/07/14 05:14 AM.
Joined: Aug 2009
So for a party game you expect that only one class can achieve everything  . You cant do that! Thats not how party-based-games work. Its totally your mistake. Create a new party and put some points in Water than you can heal yourself. And Lone Wolf is not for beginners. Go try playing DnD with only one class the whole party  .
Joined: Jul 2014
So for a party game you expect that only one class can achieve everything  . You cant do that! Thats not how party-based-games work. Its totally your mistake. Create a new party and put some points in Water than you can heal yourself. And Lone Wolf is not for beginners. Go try playing DnD with only one class the whole party  . I am not a beginner. I played hours of Neverwinter nights and know exactly how to spec. This game is just bad. I have managed to beat Evelyn solo by stealth, it was easy. Why won't the game let me beat everything else? Because it is not free at all, it's an "On-Rails" adventure game. You can't multiclass properly in this. I basically aimed for an archer who could solo the game with stealth, but virtually every enemy heals in this. I took out all of Braccus's enemies, and everytime you hit Braccus guess what, he heals. Do you think these are good enemy designs? I have played a lot of RPGs and this is not one. It has everything that makes an RPG missing. 1) No NPC smiths that can craft weapons for the player. 2) No freedom. On-rails everytime you start. 3) No dual weilding. 4) No balanced multi-class. 5) No classic stat bonuses or penalties. 6) Cheating AI.
Joined: Jul 2014
Keep in mind bows lose accuracy over distance. Perception helps with that.
Also things that increase chance to hit:
- Disabled targets(stunned, knocked down, etc) have a 100% chance to be hit
- Lucky Charm gives 3 offense rating per rank
- Leadership rank 2 bonus gives a quite substantial 10% boost to chance to hit
- Bless (Geomancy spell) gives +30 offense rating
- Ranged Precision Stance (Marksman) gives +30 offense rating at a trade off of 1 extra AP to shoot
You can toggle Precision Stance off and on for no AP cost, so using it based on your chance to hit is a good idea.
Joined: Dec 2013
Joined: Jul 2014
Why do you feel you have to post a picture of your mom on the forums? It is not ideal.
I don't even know what that is supposed to mean. I am fat nerd crying? QQ more? Lern2play noob?
Whatever it means, I have convictions. My points are valid, you will know in a couple of months when all the excitement has waned and this has gone on sale.
By the way, I don't remember "old school" like Bioware titles being forgotten very easily.
Joined: Dec 2013
I'm sorry, i"m just shocked at how badly you are responding to the help they give. But carry on, it's obvious it's not your fault. Yes, I agree with you. The game is to blame for your failure. I really hate this game letting you fail so much. Every game should let you win and play however you want.
Joined: Apr 2013
Kid, you've done nothing but whine and moan and complain about breaking your keyboard. Others have tried to explain to you what you're doing wrong, and you've consistently chosen to ignore and even deride them. If you'd read the manual or even just look at the attributes, you'd know you need more than just Dexterity. Perception, Speed and even Constitution are necessary skills. It's not the games fault that you don't pay attention.
Perception: Affects your critical chance, initiative, starting AP in combat, ability to detect traps and accuracy when shooting over long distances.
Speed: Affects your movement speed, initiative and how many AP you can use in combat.
Constitution: Determine how much vitality you have and max number of AP.
Dexterity only affects your chance to hit, but is not the end-all-be-all of using a bow. You need points in other attributes.
Joined: Jul 2014
I'm sorry, i"m just shocked at how badly you are responding to the help they give. But carry on, it's obvious it's not your fault. Yes, I agree with you. The game is to blame for your failure. I really hate this game letting you fail so much. Every game should let you win and play however you want. I don't know if you missed the posts or you are utterly retarded. If you are, no hatred here, everyone can "express themselves." It is not that the game is to blame for my failure, it is how it's completely unflexible.
Joined: Dec 2013
Indeed it is, I always hate putting point in Intelligence for my Magic Knight. I want to play a Red Knight you see, a Fire Magic guy running in, Phoenix Dive - Then Fire Shield! Explode Fireball and immune to fire. But to do that I gotta waste so many points in INT - then go STR then waste point on SPD... fucking hell. This is inflexible. In Skyrim I can do that. Why can't I do it in D:OS
Joined: Jul 2014
I agree, it's not even possible to fart in the direction of the enemies while holding a flametorch behind me. I want more freedom, FREEDOOOOOOM!!
That being said, I smell trolls!
Joined: Aug 2009
Lone Wolf is for second playthrough and for experts that know all of mechanics ingame and archer is the weakest class in my opinion.
Try to max Loremaster early with one guy so that you can see resistance of your enemy.
Max one char on Crafting for better weapons, arrows etc.
Buy "shield"- and "immune to X-Effect"-scrolls and special arrows of the four elements. Piercing sucks really against skeltons etc so use a lot of special arrows.
Make one char more tanky and choose for the other glass cannon so that you have more action points. Dont resist to flee if the fight looks bad.
And dont forget that one or two level make a big difference in the game.
Joined: Aug 2011
This is absolutely a joke thread, guys.  This is parody 
Joined: Jul 2014
If it is, it is in very poor taste.
Joined: Apr 2013
Dis thread funny.
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