Originally Posted by Darth_Trethon
Originally Posted by Hassat Hunter
Stop trying to learn him how to RPG.

It's obvious he's of generation "I want everything, and do nothing in return to do so"
Ie. the generation that murdered RPG's.

That, or he's simply trolling...

It's a generation of I got a damn job and other obligations instead of bulls****ing around rebuilding my characters every half hour and repeating every encounter five f****** times. I could do a piss poor job at a lot of skills and all of them would be useless around late-game. I'm around level 15 and it's getting to the point where level three of anything is worthless. Could I put up with it an figure it out piece by piece, spread the skills, create diversities, exploit weaknesses etc. Sure, have I got the patience when proficiency is limited to three skills per characters or sucking at more? Absolutely f****** not.

I've got dozens of games I bought and never got around to playing, stacks of books, movies to catch up on, sports to watch and all around a life. I'm on vacation now but you've lost your damn minds if you think I'll waste a lot of time repeating combat encounters pointlessly, replacing my gear on and off every few minutes because the sneak boosters are worthless armor and on and on and on.

Your job also seems to limit your cognitive functions.

Because you are trying to tell us, that you need charisma, bartering, every single weapon style, every spell, every skill on a single character.

But I will be constructive and give you a shortcut: Sneaking 5.

Reserve 2 AP at the end of your turn, move for 1 AP into a safe spot, then press C.

You happy now? You can now watch more sport shows! Yaaay!

(oh btw YOU didnt have to figure anything out, you are already here in the forum on your very limited time, the tips and tricks section has everything dining-ready for you!)