Originally Posted by Eamid
Yeah ok ignore that law stuff doesn't belong in a moddin forum.

It does belong in a modding forum. Before DOTA 2 was made, Blizzard put up a fight against Valve because DOTA was a mod for Warcraft III. They ended up having to settle the franchise name in court and the issue with the settlement is confidential between the companies.

If you talk about legality, modders also have the right against companies using their own assets or ideas as in the case of DOTA, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth. I don't know about the upcoming Heroes of the Storm though.

Oh, and if you are a player of dota, skeleton king (which is probably gotten from Diablo franchise) was renamed wraith king in DOTA 2. Probably due to copyright issues.

"There is no such thing as absolute freedom because we are still prisoners of society"