Originally Posted by Eamid
Can you stop posting these threads, it's so annoying really. ............

So please stop spaming the mod boards with this boring and utterly useless topic, or at least keep it to one thread instead of spaming new ones, thanks.

Not sure what you are referring to here regarding 'posting these threads'? This topic came up in another thread so I created this one to (ideally) limit discussion to one place. This is also the first thread I have posted.

The intent is to raise awareness - Some people will have no idea that making a 'fan mod' of another game may result in legal action. I have not heard of any mods that have been sued as a result of it however cease and desist letters are not uncommon. Equally there are many mods out there that IP owners turn a blind eye to, are not aware of or even tolerate.

In my mind (and others evidently) this is NOT an 'utterly useless topic' as it may make some people aware of the risks that may not otherwise be.

At the end of the day - if someone wants to devote hours of their own time to a (non commercial...) mod based on another IP, as long as they are aware that they may have to stop work on it then others cant really criticize them for wasting their time. Who knows - the passion to recreate/re-inspire their favourite game may be what it takes to get them hooked on modding/get a greater understanding of the modding tools. Have a look at the Arma mod boards to get an idea of how many people have started modding this way...

A supportive and thriving mod community around this game can only be a good thing and that is the spirit of this post.