Originally Posted by Ichthyic
Unless you are totally ok with wasting hundreds of hours to lose everything you created just because the license holder sent a cease and desist template letter they have stored for this very occassion.

no, you're a bloody nanny. I bet you constantly feel the need to berate people for even THINKING of doing something outside the box.

get a life.

Hah! Copying a game = 典hinking outside the box for you?

You need to learn the real meaning of that phrase, as it literally means the opposite of what you think it means.

Copying some other game title is the biggest TUNNEL VISION you can get into, because basically you skipped the thinking part straight to the creating part, very unoriginal, uninspired, etc.

As Heathen said coming up with Original story line is hard... so why not just do it the easy way and just steal someone else's idea that's already been done. Then call that "Thinking outside the box", great workflow guys.

I'm glad it's only the modding section of the gaming industry that is blatantly into copying. Otherwise all these commercial games would be remakes of a few good games leaving hardly any room for new great titles.

I took up Art in college, 3D design at University, and another side class of life drawings every week, I encourage you guys to enrol in such courses if you want to get an idea of what "Thinking outside the box" means So many art subjects and topics thrown back at you for not coming up with something original enough, that you have to go rework on it or start over again. Teachers that despised the manga/anime style, comic style or the general shit you see on the internet.

But sure man go ahead, skip the Thinking part of your game design/mod, and just be the TOOL to pump shit out. Everyone can learn how to push a few buttons and create shit in game engines / 3D software, Photoshop, etc. The people who get hired in Art/Design jobs are the ones that show artistic flair not technicality.

Look even if I brought senior tutors with PhD qualifications here to the forums to make an argument you will still dismiss the idea because of some bullshit reason, and the very fact that you just want to outright copy, I guess that's why highly qualified people don't participate in a forums full of monkeys.

Stay in the Modding sector, forever.