Originally Posted by SteamUser
Originally Posted by blazed

I'm glad it's only the modding section of the gaming industry that is blatantly into copying. Otherwise all these commercial games would be remakes of a few good games leaving hardly any room for new great titles.

Oh, wait. You're being serious? That's very cute.

I'd link to a hundred or so law suits over cloning games, but I'll just let Forbes do the talking:

Last week, Electronic Arts ($EA) sued Zynga ($ZNGA) for copyright infringement because Zynga逞エ 蜈クhe Ville game allegedly takes too much of EA逞エ 驩?ms Social game. Lawsuits like these are rare in the games industry, for good reason. Imitation of other manufacturers games is standard in the industry, and every major industry player does it frequently. As my peer Prof. James Grimmelmann wrote, 骰紘e [games] industry has developed a dysfunctional culture of copycattery.

Forbes 2012

I'm not even going to touch the quagmire that is modern FPS development.

Frankly: stick to drawing anime. Community College =/= the reality of game development.

So you are one of these people that I need to clearly state and define things with a wall of text so you don't drift off making assumptions right, drifting onto the advantages of things I didn't clarify?

Yet again you pointed out something obvious, I've never heard of a company sue another company for copy right infringement, what a shocker! Doesn't change the fact that modding groups are more keen to outright copy titles with the content of yet another game's engine so basically they own nothing, hilarious.

Besides now you池e pointing out companys suing each other for copyright infringement, what side of the battle are you on, have you got confused you filthy devils advocate you! It seems you have switched sides now that we are talking about commercial games.

I don't draw anime, but I see how you made the connecting assumption. Also I don't really know what you mean by Community college, I guess that's an American thing, or do you mean state funded schools, who cares your insults are childish at best.

There is a difference between making similar games such a FPS games like Battlefield and Call of Duty, and then saying Lets Remake specific title game entirely. You cant have one FPS game, or one zombie game, or even one brand of bread. However stealing ones identity or brand (in this case copying a game entirely and its title) is when things get sour. Did I really need to explain this? Are you an imbecile?

Lets put this into prospective, you are an idiot: encouraging people to copyright infringement, which may potentially close down at the owners discretion, laziness and no imagination.

Me on the other hand, I'm telling people spend a little more time and use their imagination, to create something new, a unique experience, and not ride of the back of a famous title in hopes of gaining from its popularity, a shitty thing to do.

I clearly win here only an idiot will disagree (clearly you).

I suppose you cant really tell a drug dealer what hes doing is wrong without probably getting shot in the face, so in that case YOU WIN! #WINNING!

Now PO.

Last edited by blazed; 30/07/14 12:28 AM.