The _Start Goal file is read-only in the Editor, meaning I have to add stuff in with my own Goals.
You can get around this by clicking on the goal,
then right-clicking on the goal and selecting "Copy to my mod". Don't forget to restart the editor after doing this to all the files you want to edit.
If you want to be able to edit all of them this may take a long time, since there are 226 goals, so I've attached a link to a zip file that has all of the default files. Simply extract it to /data/mods/<yourmod>.
As a word of caution, the story editor doesn't handle utf8 strings correctly when clicking on "Copy to my mod", so it will create a new mod folder with broken characters where it will place the created files. This means that if you have a mod called "Hench駑on", it'll post the files in Hench?ススシmon_<UUID> instead of the correct folder.
Edit2: Looks like this website doesn't handle them correctly either.