Originally Posted by Gotcha!
Just put blazed on your ignore list. People with an attitude like that don't deserve attention.

People still going on about me even though I left the discussion for a while now, seems like constant invitation for me to come back to be honest.

It seems people have reported me to mods in another thread, here痴 a tissue by the way. They went through the whole thread and decided not to do anything, because I guess words like stupid, moron, idiot are just not vile enough to warrant action especially in return fire arguments where it wasn't totally uncalled for. Even teachers call their students, stupid, idiot, etc. occasionally when it's justified or deserved.

I've been adding really good information on why you shouldn't do it, but I like I said it's pretty much like telling a drug addict to stop taking drugs, you just don't care for your own demise. So go ahead screw yourself over and make your crappy remakes and crappy ideas, oh wait - not your ideas.

Please go ahead and add me to ignore list, better than you making a negative comment about me, and me returning fire. At least have the decency to take it like a man and not to go cry about it when I completely annihilate you in the argument of Originality vs Unoriginality, as one of these words is a negative antonym, FACT.

Tracing a drawing, Not impressive at all. Copying a drawing... Still not impressive, Drawing something entirely new - Now we're getting somewhere...