Originally Posted by Doz
MORE on topic - How hard would it be to incorporate other genres into a mod? ie. instead of a fantasy style mod, would it be possible to incorporate firearms etc? I dont have time to get into the tools at the moment unfortunately but I could conceive of a more 'modern' mod based on an insurgency/small scale civil war? Jagged Alliance style combat could translate fairly well?

Adding firearms to the game should most definately be possible, although it would require you to import your own models and textures. I'm not sure if that's possible right now though, might be in an update to the editor.

There are already a bunch of skills you could modify to mimic certain weapons/effects. For example the Boulder Bash skill can be used as something similar to using a mortar, or flare has a good arc to be like a grenade. There's also a marksman skill that's similar to a machine gun spread. It's also possible to modify ranges to get closer or longer range combat, and it's possible to set weapon restrictions so you can only use a skill with a certain weapon type.
