Some people just have an inflammatory way of expressing their opinions. I find it is better to either respond with polite discussion or to avoid engaging them entirely.

If you do plan to remake something you should really look into who has the rights etc. For example, Someone suggested redoing the Monkey Island games, which I can tell you straight away is a really bad idea. Lucas Arts has always been very protective about their IPs, and now they are owned by Disney which does not make the situation better. Besides, the Monkey Island games were remade quite recently (and very well) by themselves.

If the game you want to make was created by a big company, you are probably better off making a "spiritual successor" or "homage". i.e. not make the exact game, but instead something very much like it with new content. Which incidentally also sounds like a lot more fun, at least to me!

Last edited by Rymdkejsaren; 01/08/14 07:47 AM.

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