Originally Posted by SteamUser

You're a funny man SteamUser, My first post was completely neutral and non-insulting and you felt the need to snip my quote and call it bullshit, even though everything I said was actually correct, your defence being an example of a specific case where the owner hasn't taken action against the modders. You sparked the start of a flame war, but people will see what they want to see, because some people are in fact stupid. In this case, I've aggravated people who want to simply copy another game using the assets of yet another game (divinity in this case) basically doing nothing at all besides doing some asset placements, and game tweaking, (Some may push it further by adding their own models etc, which is a great start on making original content, at least it's something).

I've never played a remake of game in mod form, to be honest I don't think it will live up to the original title and the emotions it brought originally. I have however played official remakes and they are great, thats another point if it's not redone by the original people then I feel it doesn't reflect the original title in question.

One thing I loved about Warcraft III and Starcraft 2 mods is playing all the new custom maps people created and seeing all the fun little games people made, most of them which were rather original, or at least not a direct copy of something.

Originally Posted by Rymdkejsaren

I agree, that's why in my first post I said maybe start with seeing which ones would actually allow you to do it, it doesn't even need to be a formal permission but a "yeah sure, go ahead" under the radar response. Apparently I encouraging people to ask owners politely was "Bullshit" information by SteamUser. The fact he doesn't understand basic courtesy (rather than outright stealing) or that just because someone allows it doesn't mean it's not copyright infringement, the fact that they can change their mind at any time and take you to court and pretty much win, pretty much proves that it's copyright infringement at all times, always at the hands of mercy.