Originally Posted by SteamUser
Originally Posted by blazed

I've never played a remake of game in mod form...

One thing I loved about Warcraft III and Starcraft 2 mods is playing all the new custom maps people created and seeing all the fun little games people made, most of them which were rather original, or at least not a direct copy of something.

^ Check up ^ and take a look at the red sections as like I said silly people only see what they want to see.

You took one little sentence to argue for from my whole argument, because you obviously didn't have anything else to say, on that note I accept that I won over all other arguments that you couldn't respond to. gg. Now let's move on.

Originally Posted by SteamUser


WC: AND is a highly ambitious project that will utilize the immense power of the Galaxy Editor in order to breathe life into the Warcraft RTS series once more. This will be a fully fledged conversion featuring a breathtaking, lore abiding storyline spanning several emotionally-gripping campaigns containing new units, new heroes and new features as well as a fully fledged melee mode.

This is a complete overhaul; the finished product will have much more in common with wc3 than sc2, however daunting it may seem this is possible and can happen, but not without commitment! Not without you! Join the team, post suggestions or just show us your enthusiasm! Continuation of the Warcraft RTS series lies but a click away!


1) Both mods which were not available at the time I was playing SC2:WOL.

2) Most people like myself download mod maps directly from in game, this polarity is based on www.moddb.com, if you are using this for your argument you really need to learn how to come up with more accurate conclusions, if you look at steam statistics Dota 2 is usually the most played game if you look at xfire the statistics mismatch by a lot, this goes for other games beside Dota 2.

3) The mods seems to be taking lore from various games including World of Warcraft, MMO to RTS. Not exactly a direct copy, not even the same genre of games. If someone said they want to make Skyrim as a RTS game my opinion will be slightly different, as there is some signs of originality within that statement.

Originally Posted by SteamUser


If you need it explaining: Blizzard aren't concerned about such remakes because they own both the original IP and the engine that it's being remade in.

That's not what I'm arguing for, If someone wants to remake Divinity, Using Divinty: OS, thats a lot better than someone wanting to remake diablo for example, the fact that both the Engine and Game being copied are by Larian that means you only have 1 Company to worry about IP infringement. Heres the thing if someone makes a good remake it still benefits Larian as free content for the buyers of the game, however a diablo remake will only benefit Larian (if using the Divinity Engine.) and nothing for Blizzard.

Originally Posted by SteamUser

Go ask them how much Steam had to settle over DOTA for. Hint: you won't, as it's sealed by the courts but it's a huge fucking % cut. wink

Don't get your point here, you are saying Blizzard Sued Dota and won? I think you are forgetting what side you are fighting for again, you are the guy who thinks IP Infringement is fine remember? I'm the guy saying "don't do it!" remember?? Hello?

Originally Posted by SteamUser
Not. A. Fucking. Clue.

Frankly I am getting bored of your obvious troll attempts to start a flame war again, I gave a polite, valid concern point as my first post on this thread, you felt the need to call it out as "A load of Bullshit". So I tried to educate you as we both ended up name calling each other.

I was again rather neutral with you in my last post, not trying to continue this flame war but you are again pushing for it.

Your conclusions, points and arguments are bad, and pretty much invalid most of the time. I'm tired of trying to teach a monkey some sense, I conclude that it's not possible.

With that - welcome to my ignore list.

Maybe we can have some quiet time now, without you bringing me out here to sit you back down for every poor argument you make. Whilst I enjoyed the arguments, Its apparent it's a never ending cycle especially with you taking 1 sentence, where you think you have gained an advantage for, and linking random shit, you're like a kid who sends Wikipedia pages as facts without questioning it's accuracy or validity.

Good Night.