Ok I have to admit I made a quick toggle and scanned through your posts quickly, it kind of felt like an emergency because you're constantly posting replies, you know just like when someone keeps phoning you?

Scanning past the general rubbish and flaming, here are some answers back to you:

- Maybe you should stop using "anime" as an insulting term. I shared a tiny bit about my life and you're desperately clinging onto that for some insults. (Oh I see you removed this comment now that you alerted the moderators, haha!)

- Permissions need to be a proper document, a legal paper signed and follow the normal procedures of lawful documents, not something you can pass on in an email Muppet. Are you really that dumb? You can forge such emails so easily, what you going to do? Go to court with an email printout that a developer said yes you can remake their game? This does not at all forfeit anything, do I need to bring a lawyer friend to bash your stupidity? But yeah I'm clearly one that doesn't know anything...

A developer giving you permission to remake their game (a nice gesture) through an email conversation will not forfeit, rescind or revoke any of their rights to their copyrighted material dont listen to this guy.

- I check back regularly for updates on the forum, so sue me lol.

- You're still picking out one sentence, and driving a whole
argument from it, good job!

- Stating I mostly saw original and fun mods in SC2 is already a personal view/statement so why is it not valid that I state the those specific mods you mentioned were not available, because they weren't?

- Please stop crying to the moderators, I'm sorry for bullying you!

- I do use external links/evidence when required, when I'm sure of its validity, I don't post every little crap I find to make my points like you, links that don't prove much or add to the argument.

To repeat:
Your conclusions, points and arguments are bad.