Originally Posted by SteamUser
Originally Posted by blazed

You made a huge song and dance of putting me on ignore. What happened? Lying or just delusional?

And no: Kokatu, Gamasutra etc are not valid sources. Your arguments are wrong, and you've no idea about the actual legal stuff.

It's cute. Like anime. And like anime portrayals of women, totally fucking delusional.

Putting some history into this stupid thread, filled by an ignorant troll.

Just fuck off. Special snowflake, can't admit when he's both wrong and beaten.


Oh oh someone cracked. Not cool... Not cool at all... Definately a call for a Moderator.

I don't want to go anywhere, I actually love you and you are spending so much time here with me, it's special and cute like "anime" you fairy!

Stop insulting every anime fan with such disrespect you're the hero of this thread remember, don't let people see the vile thing you really are, even though I truely love you for what you really are.

More to add why your points, conlusions and arguments are just plain bad:

Not every copycat game will be Taken down, it's literally impossible to shut down every little copycat game that pops up, the companies dont have the man power or need to shut down every IP copyright infringment.

Not Every Theif in the world is Caught.

Not Every Murder Case is Solve.

Not Every Illegal activity get's shut down.

Not every Fake DVD seller gets caught.

There are millions of torrents and illegal download stills at our finger tips regardless of how aggressive the industrie shave been to shut them down.

Doesn't make it OK or RIGHT or Legal, understand? My little Muppet you.

Last edited by blazed; 03/08/14 01:22 AM.