Originally Posted by EinTroll
By the by, the two identical rooms puzzle gives you the answer straight up, if you interpret it right.

Read the spoiler if you give up on solving the twin rooms puzzle and want an almost solution:
Without giving away the actual solution, do the following: Note which lever you pull in one room and what element it shoots in its mirror room. Then follow the pattern of what "defeats" what element (i.e. water extinguishes fire, lighting electrifies a water surface)

Also, if you pull the right lever, a the smoke on top of the corresponding pillar in the other room will turn to fire.

Thanks. i jagged one room got 4 fires on pillars and then a mystery opponent turned up and now theres a trapdoor but i cannot get the other room. tbh i have trouble telling wtf the symbols are. i mean i can get fire, but then theres one looks like two backward C's one might be a cloud and one black rhomboid with a green teardrop.
the CC makes lightning in other room, the square with green makes something drop and break maybe pottery? the cloud one makes fire and the flame one makes poison. but i tried all combinations of clicking the four switches and i still get no opponent in the second room.
edit just clicked and clicked and eventually by chance must've got right combo some nice loot but not much Xp. atm i really need XP badly so i can go new areas!

Last edited by ryko; 03/08/14 02:06 PM.