Hello everyone,
I hope my "subject" isn't too provocative.

As a beginning, I'd like to say that I've loved this game till now.
I am actually playing it with a friend in coop.
I won't deep talk about coop chats issues, even if it's a big flaw on a game which was thinked as a coop game; moreover for a game which was released after some alpha release and had many reviewers feedbacks. This game was released some time ago, and we still can't enjoy it as we could.

We've played on hard till the beginning, and we've enjoyed the challenge.
Then we reached lvl 10, and went on the second map. And the fights are a piece of cake. Of course we're fighting lvl 10, some 11, and we tried 1 or 2 lvl 12.
I have to say that my friend and I play our own way with our 2 characters in fights : if we were playing solo, our 4 characters would play more effeciently as a team. Moreover, we don't use leech (which seemed op), and we don't abuse resistances.
And it's getting boring.

And the main problem in the fights is obvious : the IA is almost inexistent.
Enemy characters (animals, bosses, humans...) focus the closest character. They don't care if it's a golem, a tank, or one of their seduced mate. "I am a AI ranger who can 2 shoot this mage? Yeah, but it's more fun to do 2*20 damages to this tank under fortification." "They summoned a skeleton? Let's focus him turn after turn with poison spells." "This fire golem heals when i cast fireball on him? Let's keep trying, it will surprise them".
And the pathfinding is a joke : "Hey I am a mage, I am trying to getting close to you, I walk on fire, I lose half my hp, I stop my turn in fire and I heal myself". Sometimes, folks start near my mages, they run around my characters, are striked 2 times by opportunity attacks, then don't do anything and stop their turn...
So sad...

As said before, we've loved this game. But I don't know why the harder difficulty set is this one.
By the way, our team is : a rogue BS, Madora with a 2-hands sword, Jahan as a crafter/spell tool box, and a dps mage fire/earth.

With Jahan, I've spent hours to try crafting, I've made delicious meals while getting water in wells one bucket after one other, and I know I can build some nice weapons.
But I craft less and less : we never had to eat food, and since the fights are this easy with our actual stuff, I won't spend time to make them easier. And I don't see the point of crafting stuff to sell it when you are rich since the 5th hour in the game without knowing anything in pickpocketing or lockpicking.

So I am not crafting anymore.
And we are about to stop playing.
The game in the first map was excellent, nice subquests, a lively town, nice fights. I have the feeling you put most of your efforts in the first city, (in the "second" one, we have in a tavern 10 marchants gathered around tables... so realistic).
The second map is less rich? Finally it wouldn't really matter, as long as the huge quality of this game stays : the nice and rich fights. Without them...

And It would be so simple to "fix" this : make some behaviour for the opponent (for exemple : "focus the weakest").

Do you plan to work on the AI, or to add a difficulty level?

Thank you for reading all this, as you can see I'd love to love again this game.

<<edit: corrected "IA -> AI" and new typos >>

Last edited by Jacob Marner; 06/08/14 12:12 PM.