Joined: Jul 2014
To Dairymoose...
Spent the past few days experimenting with your editor and it's awesome. Took me a while to figure out the parameters and I've gotten the hang of it now. Honestly, the only feature your work needs now is "ADD ITEM." Just saying, not expecting that feature to be there in your next renditions anytime soon. Just keep up the good work as they say.
Last edited by kellcooz; 08/08/14 04:14 PM.
Joined: Aug 2014
This opens just fine for me. What environment are you running on? I would advise trying it on a windows computer (laptop maybe, if you have one), and see if it works.
I am using win7 ultimate x64. Can try it on laptop with the same OS.
Last edited by Nevenor; 08/08/14 04:21 PM.
Joined: Aug 2014
Can you add a skill/spell to a character? Specifically . . . Will this editor allow me to give my character's the Death Knight Bane skill? I got hosed by a bug and now Leandra's Spell is missing. Yes, I know I don't have to have this spell, but I want it and the fact that a game bug is screwing up my experience annoys me. edit: It can, and it works. Thanks so much for this tool.
Last edited by travathian; 08/08/14 07:27 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Aside from having an "ADD ITEM" feature, another suggestion I'd like to add for Dairymoose's excellent editor would be to have an "IMPORT/EXPORT ITEM" feature.... if ever.
Joined: Aug 2014
thank you so much for the link. It works great except for one minor thing, whenever I change a character's name there's a weird symbol at the end of it. It looks like an X inside a little box. sometimes there are many weird symbols in the name. Am I just doing it wrong?
Joined: Aug 2014
I noticed something strange while looking through the weapon types. As you go further down the list of weapons, in this case maces, there's a value called damage boost that starts adding -5 to the damage, why is that? With this in mind, a lvl 10 stick with nails does considerably more damage than a lvl 10 flanged mace. Does that make sense at all?
Last edited by Layne66; 09/08/14 07:23 PM.
Joined: Sep 2013
Thank you so much for developing and sharing this. It is very appreciated.
Joined: Aug 2014
importing/exporting items would be a great feature. I also noticed that I can't edit the number of available stat points to spend (str, dex, int. that stuff)
It would also help a lot if you messed with the item editor's mod categories. Like, as it is now all weapon mods are just in the "Weapons" folder. It would be nice to see a different folder for each weapon type. It would just make things faster. This is probably something you were planning on doing anyway. I just thought i'd say something about it.
Joined: Aug 2014
Being able to change the player's model would be AMAZING. playing as an orc, or just a normal guy instead of the big beefy default male would be great. I think there are mods working on this, but they may never get finished. You know how lots of people fail to finish their projects.
Last edited by Ginsu23; 10/08/14 06:00 AM.
Joined: Aug 2014
Any update on my problem? Editor not seeing the .lsb files on Mac using Wine.
I'm about to restart the game for the 4th time lol
Joined: Jul 2014
New version alpha12... Game data processing has been improved and now all icon data is loaded. As a result the initial load time is longer, but loading an individual character tab is faster. Some tooltip improvements. Added editor for level and available attribute points. The "Add Item" feature is essentially done but until I can figure out how to correctly generate "Creator" item handles, it won't be included. As such the "Add Item" function still does nothing in the release version. I'm not sure how these handles are generated but the feature will not function correctly unless this can be determined. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/xggb2364417f4/MooseEdit
Last edited by Dairymoose; 11/08/14 02:32 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Is it possible to add full-editor to "skills"? Now any edition made there, is just visual and dissapears when tabbing to next skill.
Joined: Jul 2014
It seems unlikely that I will be able to figure out how to generate correct "Creator" handles without investing considerably more research time. As such, the "Add Item" feature may be removed entirely. We'll see.
If I don't include this, the only other things I would like to include would be: item import/export experience editor mod template selector (to replace the "Icon" button in the item editor)
Last edited by Dairymoose; 12/08/14 04:08 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
I have a problem when modifying and saving a savegame with either Dairymoose's editor or Norbyte's LStools after which I can't alter my character's portrait (question marks instead of portraits) or change appearance. I just wonder whether anybody else is having similar problem. Same problem here, since I modified my savegame with LSTools I can no longer change portraits in Homestead, all of them are question marks. Any idea how to fix this?
Last edited by karmac; 12/08/14 08:55 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
It seems unlikely that I will be able to figure out how to generate correct "Creator" handles without investing considerably more research time. As such, the "Add Item" feature may be removed entirely. We'll see.
If I don't include this, the only other things I would like to include would be: item import/export experience editor mod template selector (to replace the "Icon" button in the item editor) Between "Add Item" and "Import/Export" I'd choose the latter, I'd say go for it.
Joined: Aug 2014
"Add Item" is only for cheaters and isn't really an important feature. I think the editor is good as it is but it would be nice if it could remember your folders for future use.
Last edited by marius; 12/08/14 02:20 PM.
Joined: Aug 2014
Hello again everyone. I solved my problem: editor does not see playerProfiles folder if the full path to it contains non-english letters. Probably it is true for data folder aswell but that was not my case. Dairymoose, I am sorry for taking probably too much of your time trying to help me. Your editor is awesome, keep up the good work. Also you might want to add this info to readme/main post in case of someone else having the same situation.
Joined: Aug 2014
hellow everyone! i actually have an issue with MooseEdit alpha 12. i have tried to change some weapon on my inventory, all seems to work perfectly until i tried to switch between two steaves. The edited staf is converted to an empty stack then i took some pictures : [img] [IMG]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/150x100q90/631/gtuRN3.png[/img][/img] ![[Linked Image]](http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/150x100q90/907/RWxkP0.png) i'm not really skilled in english so it's possible i missed something important on this thread. Is there something to do to keep my edited weapons after a switch? Thanks a lot for your help!
Joined: Jul 2014
hellow everyone! i actually have an issue with MooseEdit alpha 12. i have tried to change some weapon on my inventory, all seems to work perfectly until i tried to switch between two steaves. The edited staf is converted to an empty stack then i took some pictures : [img] [IMG]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/150x100q90/631/gtuRN3.png[/img][/img] ![[Linked Image]](http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/150x100q90/907/RWxkP0.png) i'm not really skilled in english so it's possible i missed something important on this thread. Is there something to do to keep my edited weapons after a switch? Thanks a lot for your help! Can you explain which staff you tried to convert to? And also which item disappeared? The edited item or the regular item? @Nevernor How is that possible? The path shown in your screenshot did not look like it contained any special characters.
Joined: Aug 2014
the tuned item was ice king boreas staff wich i converted into leandra staff by using the "base item" menu of MooseEdit, (exploring the data tab it is called _GEN_leandra_staff ) the edited weapon does not support any change of positition in the inventory, if i unequip it , it simply desappear,the same thing occurs if i equip an another weapon from inventory or if i try to move its place on the "bag".
I wonder if it is due to some corrupted heritage with a quest that tell me to trow the original item ( ice king boreas staff ) into a forge(i choosed not to do it) to deliver the white witch. Thanks you for your (realy fast) answer!
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