Please Poison, before "thinking" about what I asked or not, do something : read.
In my opening : "Do you plan to work on the AI, or to add a difficulty level?"
It is a question, isn't it?

And when you said you "haven't seen a Dev reply directly to a post yet", the fact is : they sometimes directly reply. And so you're wrong about this.
The fact they didn't answer yet, or maybe they won't at all is irrelevant : I asked a question to a developer about his game on a forum where he sometimes replies. And there is nothing wrong about it.

To finish : I don't only "need a hard mode". There is already a "hard mode". But for many people, the game gets way easier even in this hard mode when you reach levels 10+.
As i asked a some time ago :
"Do they plan to repair/improve the difficulty curve anytime?"

So.. I only want to know what they plan to do about the AI, eventually balancing late game to keep the game challenging as it was in its first half. Or, why not, introducing a harder setting.
And I am sure many modders would love to know the answers to these questions, before spending hours of work on something Larian may add/fix soon.

Last edited by Alkamiga; 08/08/14 04:44 PM.