Completely random, but what I find fascinating is how an Origin companion which isn't even included in the promotional art for the game, is stealing hearts left and right and creating such massive waves among the fans grin

Personally I also love Karlach's character and it's sad how in comparison to all the other Origin companions, she feels mostly like a random tag-along rather than someone with purpose. Larian has a really great character on their hands whose potential doesn't feel fully realized;

  • Her story journal has barely anything written in it, barely two lines... while Shadowheart and Lae'zel have an entire novel.
  • Karlach's journey is literally just Infernal Iron > Infernal Iron > GG... while Lae'zel and Shadowheart basically get entire acts all for themselves which constantly span from ACT 1 to ACT 2 to ACT 3.
  • Playing as Dark Urge, Karlach is also the only companion which has absolutely no comment in certain scenes for Dark Urge, despite every other companion having full dialogue for it. Which tells me they forgot about her.
  • Karlach's romance is also pushed aside while all the other romances are prioritized. She was my first romance in the game, yet she was the last one triggered for me to finally fully commit to her because all the other romances took priority in trying to flirt with me. Simply why.
  • Where are all the Zariel's lackeys that are supposed to find and enslave her across her journey. Something that's mentioned by her, but then completely tossed out the window and forgotten once she's recruited because Mizora says so.

This is not just an issue with Karlach's ending, this is an issue with Karlach entirely. She needs more meat in her story, more juicy content. She needs something happening between her recruitment and ACT 3 so she doesn't feel like a passive sidekick with nothing to actually do. It takes 2 whole acts before she even does anything meaningful and that's only if the player romances her. If not then she does nothing meaningful really because her story in two acts is literally just grabbing two infernal iron and that's it.

Sucks that such a captivating character received the Beast treatment from DOS2, who compared to everyone felt like an afterthought story while everyone else's was fantastically juicy and intricate.