Joined: Jul 2014
Finished the game 20 minutes ago. Killed the dragon on my first try with my team of 4, a ranger, a 2-handed knight, Madora and Jahan, all level 22. I think the boss certainly deserves to be the final encounter, but it could also use a little bit of buffing. He should use these monstrous wings of his to move around the battlefield a little and have his minions placing useful status effect on him instead of trying to debuff the party, which by that point probably has almost impenetrable defenses.
The fight took 8 turns. I was slowly wearing down his enormous HP reserves while keeping him frozen most of the time. WIllpower Decrease + Piercing Ice Shard did the job. Also killed the first batch of summons, but after he summoned another batch I decided it was pointless and went for the boss with all my characters. Nullify Resistances also helped to speed this thing up. In the meantime Jahan was spamming Immolation and healing Astarte, getting overwhelmed by dragon's goons all the time.
The problem with this fight was that the dragon simply did not have the means to dish out some serious damage or any damage at all for that matter. Everything except poison was healing my party. With magic resistance being so easy to max out as it is now, I think he needs some non-elemental attacks or ability to place debuffs not affected by saving throws, like breaking armor and such.
Last edited by Siriondel; 10/08/14 08:32 AM.
Of course I can. I'm a Planewalker, berk. I've seen everything. I've met everything. I've done everything." - Fendril the Missing, before entering Ilsensine's Realm.
Joined: Aug 2014
I think it's awesome that there are so many perfect players out there who one-shot this fight and come here to act as if it's a trivial encounter.
To the realistic folk posting in this thread like Syraxius and Tombeater, thanks for the tips. I'll give them a try because this fight is frustrating me and my wife to no end. And I guess it really bothers me because the roadblock doesn't seem to be tactics and strategy, it's not having the perfectly built characters. We attempted the fight 6 times and were unsuccessful in applying any status effect to the Void Dragon. Our best attempt, we managed to whittle away@ 20% of the dragon's health before Astarte finally went down.
I think the fight needs to be tuned down a notch because after spending @ 86 Hours on this wonderful (up until this final encounter) game, I'm about ready to move on with it unbeaten. If you can't apply status effects it's because he manages the saving throws all the time. If anyone in your party has even a single point in Witchcraft get Drain Willpower asap. With sufficiently high intelligence the character should be able to cast DW every round and DW does not allow a save. Once you sapped his willpower he shouldn't be able to save much against effects like Blind (Headvice - Aerotheurge) or Frozen (Rain + Bitter Cold - Aerotheurge; half of the Hydrosophist spells). His cronies can be either killed, distracted with summons, charmed or crowd controlled with spells like Boulder Bash or Chain Lightning. If you manage to keep the boss frozen he won't resummmon them even after they die.
Joined: Aug 2014
Personally I'd freeze only void goons to keep them out of action. Frozen will give void dragon + 65 armor, making melee attacks less effective. Blind and stun all the way:)
Last edited by teardropmina; 11/08/14 03:34 AM.
Joined: May 2014
If you can't apply status effects it's because he manages the saving throws all the time. If anyone in your party has even a single point in Witchcraft get Drain Willpower asap. With sufficiently high intelligence the character should be able to cast DW every round and DW does not allow a save. Once you sapped his willpower he shouldn't be able to save much against effects like Blind (Headvice - Aerotheurge) or Frozen (Rain + Bitter Cold - Aerotheurge; half of the Hydrosophist spells).
His cronies can be either killed, distracted with summons, charmed or crowd controlled with spells like Boulder Bash or Chain Lightning. If you manage to keep the boss frozen he won't resummmon them even after they die.
I found this the way to go. I think "Drain Willpower" is essential in this fight. I also wanted to add that I've noticed just checking around that more people than not have problems with this fight. Those that kill the Dragon on a few turns are the minority and they probably built the right party and there is nothing wrong with that. But I am glad this thread exists for the 85% of us who found this fight tough. I am on my second run through of the game and so far I am romper-stomping through the fights cause I've been there before and I am already building my party with a view towards that final fight and this time around I will be stunned if I don't blow that dragon to bits within a handful of turns 
Joined: Aug 2013
Well I killed the thing on my 8th try and the actual battle took an hour and 27 minutes. I just could not do any decent damage to the dragon, plus half my party is distracted trying to handle summons and keep the goddess alive. NOTHING worked on that dragon. I gave up trying to cast anything on it as it always saved. ALWAYS. I ended up just trying to whack it with my two melee characters while the healer and archer handled damage control and protected the goddess. By the time it was all over with it was a very NON-fun battle.
To make matters worse, my two PC's didn't stay together after it was over (and I thought I did everything to make that work...)
Joined: Apr 2011
Pretty sure it has 100 resistance all (so yeah, spells are useless). That's why one takes debuffing powers... to lower resistances, physical and magical.
Soulsap is way overpowered though... if you want an easy time, get that.
Joined: Jul 2014
So finally after countless restarts managed to finish the game. The final fight is quite decent for solo lower lvl char on hard but having to babysit Astarte the whole time is definitely annoying. Anyway the game feels like one big easter egg. It's quite refreshing really.
Last edited by Magus; 13/08/14 11:46 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
I found an old save from my first play trough to see if I can beat the dragon with only the two crappy mages with all that crappy talents and abilities I took for them (All Skilled Up , Bigger and Better , Scientist, Pickpocket etc.) I separated the fighter and the archer and put them faraway on the stairs as spectators. Luckily Jahan had a Blank witchcraft skill book and a scroll Enfeeble (soulsap) which turned into a nice spell for the second mage. The fight was very long ( over 20 turns) and boring but pretty secure, although half of the time my mages were stunned, knock-downed, blinded.... While completely ignoring void summons, my priorities were: -healing Astarte -trying to deal some damage while applying stun, blind, frozen, petrify and all that stuff on the dragon -rarely needed healing on my two mages ( put some essences and rubies on the apparel) -tried myself some summoning but with low action points you don't have many choices. For the protocol it was hard difficulty.
Last edited by xiery; 14/08/14 04:50 PM.
Joined: Aug 2014
I have tried for 4-6 hours now to kill this Void Dragon. And I simply can't. It looks and reads easy when you say how you did it. However, the cool downs for the spells are simply litterally killing me - and Astarte. I have tried using ice shard, piercing ice shard, crushing fist, boulder bash etc. However, the main problem for seems to be this: The cooldowns or the spells, I find, takes way too long to reactive. Some of the healing spells have cool downs of 6 turns or more. And just when I'm thinking I can get some damage on the Void Dragon, Astarte needs healing. Or one of my characters do. Any thougts, help or ideas?
Teacher from Denmark
Joined: Aug 2014
your mage or mages should be able to cast blind, lighting bolt, ice shard and minor heal every turn.
if these spells take more than 1 turn to cooldown, your mages need higher intelligence~~
Joined: Aug 2014
My mages have intelligence of 14 - isn't this enough? And how am I supposed to know that higher intelligence means shorter cooldowns..
Teacher from Denmark
Joined: Aug 2014
My mages have intelligence of 14 - isn't this enough? And how am I supposed to know that higher intelligence means shorter cooldowns.. that's very low, but you should be able to cast minor heal every turn already. get to 15-16 you should be able to cast blind every turn. how do we know? as we level up, and play the game we notice cooldown time is reduced? also, INT is mage's primary attribute, increasing the power and successful rate of spells. even if you can cast blind every turn with 15-16 int, the success rate against void dragon is quite low~
Joined: Aug 2014
@ teardropminia I finally beat the Void Dragon today at about 4.16 PM. I weant to thank you for the tip about casting minor heal at every turn. This helped a lot  It helped me keep Astarte a live for the duration of the Void Dragon fight. I also tried out some spells just to see what happens. It seems like ice spells works well as well as poison spells. It also seems that fire based spells works well, at least some of them. For strategy I placed all my characters around Astarte and had my mages focus on healing her. And Madora and Johan took the damage from the Void Demon with the occasional summoning of the ice elemental, the death knight, and the air elemental. I had a hail attack scroll that I used as well. This took away a relatively big chunk of the Void Dragon's hitpoints. I think I also got lucky? Because I used Boulder Bash and Cruhsing fist. And sometimes this meant that the Void Dragon was knocked down. Sometimes Ice Shard or Piercing Ice Shard froze the Void Dragon. And at the end of the fight, I had Madora use Flurry. It took out nearly all of the Void Dragon's remaining hitpoints. I also noticed for the first time that Johan's cooldown for minor heal was 5 turns and Jahans cooldown for minor heal was 1 turn. I would never have seen that higher intelligence means shorter cooldowns for spells. So thank you for showing me this Thanks your all your help - really appreciated 
Teacher from Denmark
Joined: Sep 2012
I'm curious about the people who claim this boss is "simple" and "easy"
I'm prettty sure they're the ones who quicksave and load every fight, every roll.
Of course it's easy to exploit. Exploit books. Exploit godmode (quicksave)
And that's exactly how I beat it (but never read or bought a stat book, fyi)
There was no way in another 90 hours of gameplay I was going to beat this boss with my lowly party of 3 who had barely made it to level 20. Having been forced to complete areas of the game that were pointless just to get there was in itse;f a tedious and anti-RPG element of the game. Sandbox? sandboxes don't force me to do everything in game. Optional quests should be exactly that, and there should be equal experiences to killing stuff and quests, rather than 95% of all xp coming from mobs.
But onto the strats and stats.
My Party: Lame tank (Cain, who I bought at level 1) with stats that gave him 200 armor Lame rogue (equipped with snakebite(from Mangoth) that she never used, and a level 11 bow) who had about 10 intel, 3 points in witchcraft, full and some points in LAme archer (had a nice legendary lvl 16 bow) with disease and some other things, plus a poison harness or something
No one in my team had tenebrium ability (never found how to get this) but snakebite was a non-rot tenebrium weapon
NB: Up until this fight I had always played fights 'fair' i.e. like DA:O, no saving during a fight This included things like balberith and that other demon Raz k'ad or whatever (hard bitch if I say so myself)
other equpment: a billion arrows and scrolls I'd picked up in my journeys Strat: Chase Trife with my tank (slow bastard who i got to 9 AP) Kill adds with rogue+archer. Whittle down trife when near the end, use potions to heal team (had about 50 health potions) kill trife Dragon didn't spawn until last add killed Save. Charm: Spider, and other melee thing Save Knockdown dragon (man at arms knckdown 3 tunrs) Save Create: summon (skeleton, elemental etc) Lay into dragon with spells, consitution arrows (-1k hp), resistance nullfieds Once dragon was down to 4khp I played 'fair' every -con arrow fired when i could, - armor, - reisstance etc use soulsap enfeeble, scrolls with high dmg (poison spores), death punch. Had 5 bloodstones before fight - used 3 with no cheat save/loads in between Archer + rogue stunned for about 10 tunrs each. Win game, eventually.
Total time: approx 2 hrs.
Joined: Aug 2014
I'm curious about the people who claim this boss is "simple" and "easy"
I'm prettty sure they're the ones who quicksave and load every fight, every roll.
Of course it's easy to exploit. Exploit books. Exploit godmode (quicksave)
you really think this way?? I fired up the save before the fight, did it again, footage link below. my pathetic 4 would be laughed at by power gamers, and I didn't even know the book exploit until I came here. I never spend gold on secrets and so I totally ignored that lady in homestead~ it could go better or worse, this one took about 8 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMYPhrHp3KA&feature=youtu.be
Last edited by teardropmina; 19/08/14 09:40 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
I had a bug when entered the garden- the door didn't open and I had to bash it for 5 min. Then everything went normal:
Four warriors party with crafted 2hand axes, scroll soulsap.
1st round- approaching the dragon and rage; the dragon stuns two of my warriors 2nd round- 1st warrior uses Nullify Resistances and soulsap scroll; 2nd warrior- Crushing Fist and Flurry- the dragon is dead. That's all was needed- one flurry.
Joined: Sep 2012
I'm curious about the people who claim this boss is "simple" and "easy"
I'm prettty sure they're the ones who quicksave and load every fight, every roll.
Of course it's easy to exploit. Exploit books. Exploit godmode (quicksave)
you really think this way?? I fired up the save before the fight, did it again, footage link below. my pathetic 4 would be laughed at by power gamers, and I didn't even know the book exploit until I came here. I never spend gold on secrets and so I totally ignored that lady in homestead~ it could go better or worse, this one took about 8 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMYPhrHp3KA&feature=youtu.be Your characer does 345 dmg min. That was more than the max of all my characters put together. ALso I never found out how to use tenebrium weapons without rot. Also you're level 21. you might as well be cheating. Try @ level 19, and use only two characters with no charms or stuns and come back pls <3 The rivers will run red with your tears.
Joined: Aug 2014
... you might as well be cheating.
Joined: Sep 2012
... you might as well be cheating.
whatever... So you're chickening out. It's cool.
Joined: Dec 2013
We just beat the game, and we are still wondering what exactly happened with those last fights. I mean, The Trife acted only once, and the Dragon thrice.
I used Daggers Drawn on the Trife ( with proper prior debuffing from my partner ) to relieve it of more than half his health, then a standard Backstab to kill it, during the same turn - my second. And I still had some AP to go.
The Dragon spawned, attacked Astarte. Partner used Soulsap on it, instant -2k. Then he proceeded to use his carefully preserved stock of 0ap-on-use Voodoo Dolls and removed almost 8k of life from the Dragon. Guy had been saving them all in anticipation of the final boss... At this point, the Dragon is standing at a bit less than 3k health. He acts again, launching everything he has at Astarte. I barged in, casting a fully Oath-of-Desacrated Death Punch, -2,5k. Dragon acts again and, probably in a fit of panic, breathes Electricity, effectively stunning HIMSELF thanks to his own blood puddles. From there, it's just a simple matter of a few auto-attacks to beat the game. He wouldn't even have reached his next turn anyway.
It should be said we were playing 2 Lone Wolves on Hard setting and it was our very first game with no spoilers, so we had no idea what to expect for this final fight... We were very close to level 22 ( we actually got it by killing the dragon ), and I suspect we could have reached it by being more thorough throughout the game.
I'm quite sure anyone would consider the Voodoo Dolls trick like "cheating", even when it's perfectly legit. Sure, it was 8k damage in a single turn for no AP - no one can do that. Still, one backstab ( 3 ap ) was probably going to inflict a bit less than 500x2, so those 8k would have been quite quickly covered anyway.
As far as character building goes, I started out as a Scoundrel, but ended up maxing my Int. I had 22 int, 19 speed, 16 or 17 dex. Maxed out Air, Fire, and Scoundrel, with 3 in Marksman and Witchcraft. Maxed out Tenebrium, too, as I didn't know where to spend my points anyway. Backstab, Guerilla, Bully, Bigger and Better, Leech, Lone Wolf, Pet Pal. Partner started out as a Cleric if memory serves well, but ended up as a fully fledged almost unkillable Tank/mage ( water earth and witchcraft ) with Glass Canon ( and still almost 3k health ). Before the Resistance patch, it was almost painful to witness, when no physical damage could hit him ( blocking ), and any elemental damage would heal him.
So... Yeah. Very anti-climatic last boss. Still, we did everything we could to make some powerful characters and free Rivellon from any and all wandering quests, so I guess we could say we earn it...
Last edited by Dr Koin; 24/08/14 03:12 AM.
The Brotherhood of norD is love, the Brotherhood of norD is life.